Ultimate Guide to Hire a Full Stack Developer in 2025 

Do you want to hire a full-stack full-stack developer? But don’t know where and how to start. We got you. Hiring processes often take time especially when you want to find personnel who are good at both things – front-end and back–end web development

The chief head of Microsoft (Satya Nadella) says that as the tech landscape is evolving, there comes the need for professionals who possess diverse skills and work across different technologies and frameworks. 

Instead of hiring a separate person for the front end or back end, you should make a wise choice by investing in a full-stack developer.  

In this blog, we’ll cover a detailed guide to hiring full-stack developers, what they do, what benefits companies get by hiring them, and how much it costs to hire them in 2025.  

What is Full stack development? 

What is Full stack development? 

Every application or software has a front end which is a user interface, a backend to process requests, and a database that stores the data. 

When the front end, back end, and database combine, it gives birth to full-stack development.  

Front-end development means the part that users can see and interact with.  

For Instance – if the user wants to log in to Gmail, he needs to enter the username and password and then click on the sign-in button. That sign-in is one UI component that a website or web application has. 


Front-end development (client side) includes elements such as styling, graphics, text, alignment, navigation, colors, etc. 

So, the primary task of front-end developers is to create an aesthetic design that enhances the user experience. 

While backend side of web development involves things like creating APIs and writing code so that databases and applications can communicate with each other. Think of the backend as where the load of content is stored. 

Supposedly, you type youtube.com in the browser and the content is visible within a few milliseconds. 

Now, that content is stored somewhere in the database called the backend part of the website.  

Backend developers’ job is to play with databases, servers, and applications. But the backend side of things isn’t visible to the end user. 

In a nutshell, a full stack developer can work on both sides of web development –front end and back end.  

So, a full stack developer has a breadth of knowledge of front-end and back-end technologies. This means that front-end developers can work at 3 levels –  

Full Stack Development Layer
  • Front end layer  
  • Backend layer  
  • Database layer  

To summarize, full stack development means where a developer is responsible for creating a website or web application from start to finish.  

Additionally, they should be familiar with web development technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Node.js, and Ruby on Rails. 

Related Posts: Top 15+ Web Development Tools Every Developer Should Know

What does a Full stack developer do? 

Generally, full-stack developers are responsible for handling the backend side of things as well as creating an engaging user interface for clients.  

The developer should know how to work with technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

These professionals know how to take care of the entire web development process from scratch and adopt best practices to ensure that any technical glitches are addressed at every layer. 

As you know, software applications rely on data, and full-stack developers deal with 3 types of data – data as presented, data in motion, and data as rest.   

Data as presented means the part visible to the end user when they open the application in a web browser such as mobile devices, dashboards, self-check-ins, etc. 

Data in motion refers to the processes and algorithms that determine the working of your application. Lastly, data at rest means where the data is stored and accessed.  

Here, a full-stack developer works with 3 types of data and handles the entire architecture of an application.  

Consider a full stack developer as the jack of all trades who doesn’t just look at front-end side of things, rather they look upon the back-end side of development. They ensure how these 2 sides of development would work and communicate with each other.  

On the front-end side, you can be as creative because ultimately you will work on creating an interface that’s pleasing and engages the users. On the other hand, you should be ready for handling behind-the-scenes and solving those jigsaw puzzles.  

To give you a snapshot, here are the few responsibilities that a full-stack developer can perform –  

  • Handling entire application development from scratch  
  • Profound knowledge of how different technologies work like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  
  • Possess team management skills such as (managing a team of front-end and back-end developers.  
  • Know how to work with databases and servers.  
  • Excel in testing, debugging, and software maintenance.  
  • Keep themselves up to date with the latest technologies and trends.  
  • Good collaborators when working with other developers and graphic designers. 

Benefits of Hiring a Full-Stack Developer in 2025  

You might be thinking that hiring full-stack developers is a new concept, but it was decades back. In the 80s, web developers used to work alone and there were hardly any specialists who could divide the work and work on one skill. 

As websites become more complex, there will be a need for specialized personnel, someone who can handle client-side and server-side tasks. It’s an inevitable fact that division leads to specialization.  

The ever-changing technological advancements and rising growth of digital transformation increase the demand for full-stack development. 

Companies today are looking for technical personnel who have hands-on experience while working with different programming languages, and frameworks, and handle a greater project than an ordinary programmer.  

Let’s talk about tons of benefits that businesses get while hiring a full-stack developer-  

Benefits of Hiring a Full-Stack Developer in 2025  

1. Cost-effective  

Working with full-stack developers can save you money in the long run, especially if you have a tight budget.  

Access to full stack developer means you get everything on one plate meaning access to the skillset of front-end, backend, and Q/A testers.  

More importantly, you don’t need to look for different experts who specialize in 3 other domains.   

They can do the work of 3 people, adding value to your organization and saving your costs.   

This is a viable option for startups who have a project and want a person who can do end-to-end management of the website or web application. 

2. Expertise in multiple technologies 

Investing in a full-stack developer means working with an all-rounded person who can work with various programming languages, and tools and handle the entire web development process from start to finish.  

They know how to work with the front end, backend, different databases and perform debugging. If you hire one specialist, they might do well in one technology, not others.  

But a full stack acts as an all-in-one solution that can bring their expertise to the table, and handle everything throughout the development process.  

Moreover, it’s a time saver for businesses as they don’t have to rely on different time members and seek separate expertise. By collaborating with a full-stack developer, they can get everything under one roof.  

3. Better flexibility  

Full-stack developers are a pivotal asset for any organization as they have diversified experience working with different projects and team members.   

They have become irreplaceable assets for the organization as they’re compatible with both the front-end and back-end side of things.   

They can work at a good pace as they can adapt to the changing needs of businesses, switch between various coding languages, possess good knowledge in creating engaging user interfaces, and manage different parts of a project.  

On top of that, they’re familiar with the latest technological advancements and things that run in the background part (not visible to the user).  

4. Be more productive  

Hiring full-stack developers can be a profitable choice for your business as they can work on different projects at the same time.   

You don’t need to hire separate front-end and back-end developers as they can reduce the project timeline. They can switch between different tasks and handle the entire web development project on their own.  

As they are pro at managing front end and back-end side of things, it makes them more productive. They can fine-tune the product quickly and do the faster software releases in the market. 

5. Great troubleshooters  

When working with full-stack developers, you need not worry about troubleshooting errors. Troubleshooting generally occurs at 2 stages of the development process – one during the development phase and another after post-launch.  

Thus, businesses won’t have to look for specialized personnel who can troubleshoot errors, fix bugs, and improve the user experience.   

They aren’t just good communicators, great designers, or the best troubleshooters, rather they are real problem solvers who know the INS and OUTS of business.  

As they know the intricacies of a full system and work with different technologies, they can scan through the codebase, find the loopholes, fix the bugs on the go, and make sure that the website works flawlessly. 

List of Technologies for Full Stack Developers  

When hiring a full-stack developer, they must be working with both client-side and server-side programming languages, technologies, and frameworks. 

Let’s discuss a few technologies for front-end development (the part with which the user can interact)- 


HTML stands for hypertext markup language used for defining the structure and content of web pages. 

This programming language acts as a skeleton of a web page where you will define various elements such as headings, bullet points, paragraphs, links, images, and any other sort of content.  

While Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is about adding styles to the web pages so that it looks visually appealing. It involves styling and deciding the layout of web pages such as color, animations, font, layout, etc.  

2. JavaScript  

JavaScript is a popular programming language that works on both the client and server side. If you come across websites that have interactive elements or scroll-stopping animations, that’s possible through JavaScript. 

It makes the web pages more interactive from adding audio/ video files on the site to using drop-down menus.  

3. Frontend frameworks  

Here are some popular frontend frameworks-  

  • React.js  

It’s a popular JavaScript library for the front-end side of web development such as creating dynamic and interactive web pages.  

Facebook developed this JavaScript framework.  

  • Vue.js  

Vue.js is another JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications (SPAs).   

  • Angular  

Angular is yet another client-side scripting framework used for creating single-page applications (SPAs). Google developed and maintained this framework.  

4. Backend technologies (Server-side development)  

JavaScript is used for front-end development, similarly, node.js made its name for the backend side of things.  

  • Node.js  

Node.js is an open-source framework that runs on a JavaScript engine for creating server-side and network applications. 

  • Express.js  

It’s an open-source framework for developing the backend side of web applications and APIs. 

Since Express.js runs on JavaScript, developers already familiar with JavaScript can create scalable and high-performing web apps with no more hassle. 

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Full-Stack Developer?  

The cost of hiring a full-stack developer ranges between $30-60 on an hourly basis. While the cost may go as high as $100 for the senior-level developer.  

Full stack developer acts as the tech wizard responsible for all stages of development such as planning, designing, developing, and testing the software.  

Various factors affect the cost of hiring a full-stack developer such as project complexity, size of development team, geography, etc.  

Let’s discuss these factors in detail –  

1. Experience of developers  

The more experienced the full-stack developer is, the higher they are likely to charge.  

Imagine a person who has decades of experience in full-stack web development, working on various projects, and has a solid portfolio is going to charge more than a junior full-stack developer.  

The one who is well versed with various programming languages, strong grasp of web development, and keen to stay updated with new technologies and trends will charge more.  

While hiring a full-stack developer, consider evaluating them based on the following core skills-  

  • How proficient they are with the front-end frameworks such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript  
  • Do they have expertise in backend technologies such as Angular, React, Vue  
  • Are they well versed with database technologies such as MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, etc.?  

Note: The cost may go up with the amount of experience they have.  

2. Geographic location of developers  

The cost of hiring full-stack developers also depends on the geographic location of developers. 

Countries like North America and Western Europe have higher rates because the cost of living is high as compared to Asian countries like India, China, and the Philippines.  

3. Complexity and size of the project 

The cost of developers depends on how complex the project is such as the features, functionalities, number of integrations, etc.  

  • Number of external APIs  
  • Front-end and backend components  
  • Type of technology used for developing web apps  

In a nutshell, it all depends on how complex your project is and what your business requirements are.  

If you need a basic website, you can work with junior full-stack developers.  

If you need a complex SAAS platform, then you need to find senior full stackers who have expertise in Django/Python backends, React frontend, and cloud technologies.  

The cost in this case is higher than junior or mid-level full stackers.  

4. Size of company 

The pay scale of developers depends on the size and reputation of the company. If the developers deployed for your project work in premier brands such as Google, Netflix, or any big-sized firm, they would charge more. 

This means the charges of developers are directly proportionate to the company’s reputation.  

How To Hire Full-Stack Developers for Your Project?  

You might hire full stack engineers either –  

  • To create scalable applications.  
  • To add new features and functionalities when business requirements evolve.  
  • Ensure that the website/ web application enhances the user experience.  

When hiring a full-stack developer, follow this detailed checklist so you won’t regret wasting your time, money, and efforts in the long run.  

1. Assess technical proficiency  

Hiring technical profiles isn’t a cakewalk, you need to make a wise decision and be choosy about the candidate you select. 

See whether candidates have technical skills or not such as – 

  • Whether they have some knowledge of front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? 
  • Do they specialize in server-side fundamentals such as PHP? REST, SOAP, CACHE, etc.?  
  • Do they know how to design engaging user interfaces and possess knowledge about UX components?  
  • Are they familiar with database architecture and design?  
  • Are they compatible with SQL knowledge? Are they good at data analysis and report creation? You can check their practical knowledge and technical skills by conducting an SQL competency test.  
  • Should they know how to structure codes?  
  • Do they possess project management skills?   
  • Are they multitaskers or not?  
  • Can they work independently and have a knack for problem-solving?  

2. Check out their portfolio  

Check out the portfolio of full-stack developers and see what projects they contributed to in the past. How they helped their clients and what results they brought for them. 

Review their code samples and ask them how they collaborated with others and what problem-solving strategies they adopted.  

3. Understand whether they are culturally fit  

The developers you hire should not be only technically fit, but rather they should possess a cultural skillset. Ask them questions and then evaluate whether they can contribute to your organization.  

Can they be a good fit for your company? Are they adaptable enough?  

Why Hire Dedicated Full-Stack Developers with BigOhTech?  

Hiring full-stack developers can be a challenging job, but following the above guide to hire full-stack developers in 2025 gave you an idea of selecting a suitable candidate that matches your business requirements.  

Even, a lot of growing startups and product development companies are looking for full-stack engineers. 

These people act like a ONE-MAN army because they are good at everything, they are real problem solvers and can handle the front end and backend side of things. 

But the question is why are startups and mid-level companies looking for full-stack developers?  

  • The demand for complex web apps is on the rise.  
  • Companies prefer hiring someone who is well-versed in all parts of web development.  
  • They’re cost-effective. 
  • They can build websites faster than someone good at one skill.  

So, you don’t need to find separate experts for the front-end and back-end side of web development. We got you. 

At BigOhTech, we provide full-stack development services that have domain expertise in front-end and back-end technologies.  

We understand your project requirements first and then provide you with skilled professionals who are the best fit for you.  

So, you’re not just getting an ordinary resource, but rather a multitasker who is apt at following things-  

  • Frontend and backend languages  
  • Database storage  
  • Excellent designing skills  
  • Good communicators  
  • Problem solvers  

And the list is on and on.  Just share your project requirements with us and our app development experts will get in touch with you.

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