AR and VR in education

In traditional educational systems, educators used to teach students by standing in front of them to deliver boring lectures. Teachers worldwide have been following such teaching pedagogy for decades.  

However, such a conventional system of learning comes with its loopholes-   

  • Lack of interactive and engaging experiences for students.  
  • Students struggle to retain concepts for longer, which affects their performance.  
  • There was no experiential learning, which made it difficult for students to learn technical concepts. 
  • There was a gap between theory and practice.  

With AR/VR technology in education, learners can get immersive experiences because those boring concepts have now become interactive tools. 

Research studies indicate that human beings are visual nerds and are more likely to process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. They try to learn concepts more quickly when delivered in immersive ways.  

Thus, AR/VR technology plays a significant role in education because it improves student engagement, makes learning more effective, and provides an immersive experience to them. 

In this blog, we will learn about AR/VR in education, its benefits, and a few examples.  

What is Augmented Reality (AR) in Education?  

what's AR

Augmented reality augments the physical world by superimposing digital information such as images, sound, text, etc.

Users can access digital content in real time using AR devices, software, or apps.

But AR is not just confined to social media apps; it is also an emerging technology in the education sector. AR covers everything, whether it’s classrooms, manufacturing assemblies, or performing medical procedures.

Unlike VR, AR does not bother you to invest in bulky headsets. You can enjoy immersive experiences using a smartphone and its camera.

As the attention spans of students, especially Millennials and Gen Z, are getting shorter over time, they no longer want to stick with traditional length programs.

Compared to traditional learning methods, AR and VR technologies make 76% of learning more effective as it provides immersive learning experiences.

A data report from the PwC 2022 metaverse survey states that nearly 51% of companies have already implemented VR training in their ecosystem or some plan to include it in the training curriculum.

AR VR Experts

Another study states that AR proves to be a game changer in education, as 60% of teachers confirmed that when learning is delivered through AR in classrooms, students are more likely to remember learning material for longer periods.

The statistics show that AR technology in education makes learning experiences more impactful and interactive. It changes the way learning took place earlier.

It makes learning more immersive, and students can access digital content and interact with 3D models with their smartphones.

By leveraging AR technology in education, tutors can impart practical knowledge to students, whether it’s zoology, history, programming, or geometry.

What is Virtual Reality (VR) in Education?

Virtual Reality (VR) in Education

Virtual reality creates a 3D-like environment where users can immerse themselves using a head-mounted display or a headset. VR puts the user in a 3D world where they can interact with 3D objects.  

VR technology is a powerful weapon for students as it can give them immersive learning experiences, making learning more fun and exciting. Learning with VR captivates student interest and increases student engagement.  

With VR, students can now explore the world, go to the bottom of the ocean, and turn impossible things into possibilities. 

The hardest subjects, such as Science and Biology, require practice.   

How would students do that? 

Through VR.  

VR allows students to play with virtual objects, experiment with different chemical compounds, and learn about human anatomy. So, students are less burdened because they can now understand and learn the concepts easily.  

VR is increasingly adopted to reduce the feeling of isolation. Mat Chacon (CEO of a VR company) states that the traditional classroom approach provides a flat learning experience to students. And VR builds learning memories for them as they get real-world experience.  

For Instance – Google used VR technology and introduced VR expeditions where students can go on a virtual tour to different locations and get learning experiences beyond traditional classroom walls.  

Unlike the classroom-based approach, students are not just consuming facts; they are going on a ride to experience a 360-degree view of the scene and become a part of the virtual world. Thus, they are more likely to retain information for longer.  

Benefits of AR/VR Technology in Education 

Let’s talk about some exciting benefits AR/VR provides in education-   

1. Provides interactive learning experiences  

Traditional learning follows a passive learning approach, and students do not have hands-on experience. Instructors followed a uniform teaching pattern, and it was challenging for students to grasp the concepts.  

As everything was delivered through boring lectures, students were not actively engaging in the classroom. At the same time, AR redefines the educational landscape by bringing virtual elements into the real world.  

Integrating AR in the physical world turns complex concepts into tangible experiences. As a result, students are keen to explore learning material.   

Undoubtedly, students can quickly understand the subject when visually interacting with it, as everything is available in 3D form. 

For Instance – AR/VR technology provides learners an engaging experience because students can now play with scientific phenomena by conducting virtual experiments. 

Thus, they will actively participate in group activities because they now understand the subject more deeply. 

2. Increases student engagement  

With the conventional learning approach, educators used to rely on teaching concepts through instructional material like textbooks.  

The traditional learning methodology fails to capture students’ attention because everything was conducted in a theoretical manner.  

Research studies state that 97% of students are interested in studying a course that uses AR/VR technology.  

But AR/VR in EdTech makes learning more exciting as it breaks down complex concepts in an easily understandable format.  

Adding gamified elements to AR apps makes students more likely to engage with the subject. 

For example – Theoretical teaching of historical concepts would not seem interesting to learners. But AR augments learning experiences where students can explore historical landmarks or watch historical events with a 360-degree viewing experience.   

With AR learning, students will likely retain information for a long time.   

3. Improves retention level of students  

Under traditional teaching methods, it was challenging for students to retain information as the concepts could not be understood. 

But AR/VR in education is a game changer for edtech companies as they can improve students’ knowledge retention. 

The human brain becomes more active when learning beyond reading or listening to something. 

Learning becomes more interactive when students can explore historical sites, look at the Earth from outer space, and can interact with objects in real time. That’s not possible in a passive learning approach. 

Hence, AR/VR experiences improve learning quality and increase student retention by up to 90%.  

4. Cost-effective  

Implementing AR and VR in education is cost-effective because you don’t need expensive hardware. Students can access learning material using a smartphone and a camera.   

Augmented reality helps educational institutions save costs that would otherwise have been spent on purchasing textbooks and other learning materials.  

Much of the traditional educational material gets lost or outdated as the time passes.  

This is where AR comes into play. It removes the need for physical classrooms or infrastructure as it supports online learning.  

Learners just need a smartphone with stable internet connectivity and enjoy immersive learning experiences.   

Such immersive expenses save transportation costs, and educators and learners don’t have to travel to distant places. Thus, investing in AR technology for edtech is cost-effective in the long run.  

Also Read: Generative AI In Education

5. Personalized learning experiences 

AR and VR technology in e-learning allows educators to develop personalized student curricula. 

This way, students can learn at their own pace, and when learning becomes personalized for them, they become highly motivated, improving their learning outcomes.  

Not every student has the same learning style; they learn at their own pace.  

Some students might struggle with traditional learning methods and always feel distracted because they prefer a personalized learning approach.  

AR brings students closer to subjects as they can learn while doing so. They can directly interact with virtual objects and steer their ship.   

With AR/VR technologies, students get immersed and inclined to go above and beyond in their learning because the curriculum is planned as per their competencies.  

When each student gets personalized learning support, they are eager to learn more, improving their performance and the quality of the educational process.  

6. Makes learning more accessible  

AR/VR in edtech makes learning more accessible for students by adapting content to the user environment. Visually impaired students can understand complex concepts with the help of visual and auditory aids.   

For instance – AR allows students to understand the subject matter with the help of audio descriptions of subjects.   

AR expands the learning horizon by giving virtual tours to students where they can experience the historical sites and museums to get a gist of how things work.   

Exploring these sites does not require physical movement; they can access the content anywhere and everywhere. Thus, AR/VR technologies allow distant learners to interact with content on the go.  

Such learning experiences are highly suitable for students who struggle with a passive learning approach.  

With the help of AR-enabled prospectus, universities and educational institutions can make learning more accessible.   

Before joining the campus, learners learn about the campus, courses, culture, and other facilities. Students can join AR-enabled orientation sessions to familiarize themselves with the campus environment.  

7. Promotes collaborative learning  

Because AR/VR focuses on immersive experiences, this promotes collaborative learning among students.  

Students can now interact with group members and participate in group activities to solve problems. 

While working in a group, students can learn various communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. These are some of the MUST HAVE skills that every employer looks for before hiring a candidate. 

When students work in close collaboration with each other, it builds a sense of community, as collaboration is an essential component in the 21st century. This improves the students’ performance, and they feel motivated to give their participation in group learning. 

Working in a collaborative learning environment allows them to work together and solve real world challenges. 

Examples of AR/VR in Education  

1. Skyview  


Skyview is an AR-enabled app that makes learning more memorable by taking students on a night sky tour. 

When students point their devices towards the sky, they can learn about constellations, planets, satellites – everything about astronomy. Viewers can see images that will be superimposed over the viewer screen both day and night. 

2. Google Expeditions  

This VR technology allows students to explore destinations worldwide without leaving the classroom. 

They can choose from 100+ virtual trips and travel to far-off places such as the Great Wall of China and Mars.  

Thus, students can get truly immersive experiences by learning beyond the classroom and learning about different cultures and environments. 

3. Holo Anatomy  

Anatomy t;hrough VR

Holo Anatomy is a VR-enabled app that Microsoft created in close collaboration with the Case Western University team.   

A research study states that 81% of students surveyed that learning sessions through holo anatomy were more effective than conventional in-person sessions.  

Students can study human anatomy with much detail and interactivity and explore human body parts from different angles. 

The findings of the study state that it was quite effective for instructors to teach medical students as they could walk through different body elements virtually.  

4. Discovery VR  

Learners rely on the Discovery Channel to learn science-related concepts. To provide immersive experiences for viewers, the Discovery Channel used VR to offer 360-degree videos to viewers.  

Now, viewers can watch content in 3D format, whether it’s related to history, biology, engineering, or wildlife. 

Wrapping Up  

AR/VR technology transforms the educational landscape because students get hands-on learning experiences, improving learning outcomes. 

By reading the above blog, you will learn that AR/VR technologies offer a promising future for educators and learners. Unlike traditional learning systems, AR/VR provides new learning experiences where students can see and experience theory concepts. 

Traditional learning methodologies focus on hearing and reading concepts. When it comes to learning through immersive technologies (AR/VR), students can learn through practice. 

They just need to carry a smartphone or VR headset to go on virtual field trips or explore the world’s wonders. 

Now, you might understand how much potential these technologies (AR/VR) have in the edtech sector. AR-enabled apps bring textbooks to life and enhance the student experience. 

But, to create immersive technologies, you need to get the support of an experienced AR/VR app development company that transforms traditional educational processes and creates user-friendly AR/VR apps to drive digital growth. 

Moreover, our dedicated AR/VR app consultants carry years of expertise in creating engaging products for edtech startups and businesses.  

We at BigOhTech use advanced technologies to create innovative AR/VR apps that meet the diverse needs of users. 

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