Playstore statistics

Top Google Play Store Statistics 2024 – Exploring the key Insights

Everyone loves Google services, and these services are affecting the lives of users and businesses around the globe. Things started...

Artificial Intelligence Statistics and trends

Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) Statistics and Trends 2024  

AI has a significant influence on your life, from automating routine tasks to increasing your workforce productivity and bringing powerful...

Apple App Store

Apple App Store Statistics 2024 – Trends and Figures

The Apple App Store is a term and a platform known and explored by gazillions of users. Its presence on...

JavaScript Stats

Top 34 JavaScript Stats You Must Know in 2024 to Level Up Your Business 

Javascript is the KING of web development. The world’s top websites or web applications (Microsoft, Groupon, PayPal, Netflix) you see,...

Software Development Statistics

Software Development Statistics for 2024: Trends and Insights 

Technology has become an integral part of our lives whether it’s simple apps that live on your phone to complex...