how it staff augmentation help firms to save cost

Technology is dynamic and undergoes continuous change. And so do the way we live and work. It suggests that with evolving technologies, organizations need on-demand technical staff & the requirement is growing year after year. Hence, how can firms find a professional who is an expert in these technologies and would embrace new technical changes too? Well, IT staff augmentation plays a very essential role in the current urge to hire skilled experts & retain them. Temporary staff augmentation is a possible alternative given the current trend of escalating hiring costs. 

According to statistics, in 2018 about 37% of businesses used staff augmentation services. By the end of 2022, it is anticipated that the ratio will rise to 57%. Therefore, businesses searching for highly skilled employees rely more on IT Staff Augmentation or contractual hiring.  

We all are aware that employing a technical resource requires a significant financial investment at each stage of the hiring process. Right from job posting to advertising & finally publishing. In fact, even listing specific resource requirements involve a substantial cost. Additional recruitment costs include those for onboarding, paying salaries, providing software training, psychometric testing, and more. Spending on full-time recruitment does not stop here, though. Additionally, there are certain unstated expenses related to sustaining the resource as well. 

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With IT staff augmentation, attain the flexibility to reduce 50% of the above expenditures. And specifically when resources are required on-demand and temporarily for a certain project. With staff augmentation, one can easily bridge the technical skill gap. Contact a reputable staff augmentation firm to outline your requirements and get resources ready to temporarily join your team. 

Understanding IT Staff Augmentation Services 

The augmented or contract staffing approach for IT is easy and economical. It is the temporary or permanent addition of a new or higher skill to your existing team. One needs to hire an expert either due to a lack of resources or in order to upgrade the technology. 

Obviously, you could hire people on a full-time basis. But what if the technology is eventually replaced? In that instance, you’d be responsible for paying the full-time employee’s expenses. 

However, the staff augmentation team is employed on a contractual basis. If one wishes to learn a certain technical skill for a current or upcoming project then they can easily cover up the skill gap for the time being and that too in an inexpensive manner. 

How Does Staff Augmentation Reduce the Recruitment Expenses? 

Now let’s get to the important portion of this article: how staff augmentation reduces hiring costs. Take a look at the following few important factors to comprehend the same. 

No cost is involved in resource training  

The team or the augmented staff provided by an external partner is recruited based on an upscale level of expertise & skills. The staff hired wouldn’t require any specific training. However, a brief overview of your procedure and a modest virtual onboarding are more than enough to ensure everyone is on the same page. Therefore, professional augmented resources would not need any specific training which particularly means that you would be saving on the training & traveling cost. 

Ongoing Operations on a limited budget  

Companies always have an emergency operations plan to continue the work process during seasonal or unexpected fluctuations. Similar to the post-Covid-19 situation, where businesses had little choice but to work remotely and reduce wasteful spending. Since the pandemic began more than two years ago, many organizations are finding it convenient to work remotely. Regarding the same, adding a team will help you spend less and make more money. It basically permits not to shell out huge expenditures on in-house infrastructure, rents, maintenance, and insurance. Thus, the combination of staff augmentation & in-house workforce virtually distributes the operational costs. 

Employ the best talent for less money  

IT staff augmentation provides you with the flexibility of remote working. It enables you to maintain your remote working strategy while spending less and generating greater output. Moreover, staff augmentation enables you to hire talented professionals from all over the world. However offering creative skill sets, support for development & a chance to enhance their knowledge. Undoubtedly, with the expanded team there is an abundance of innovation, better productivity & quick scaling. 

Substantial cost savings on a monthly basis  

Most significantly, maintaining an office is a costly endeavor. A comprehensive office floor or building requires a wide range of expenses to operate. Rent, furnishings, office supplies, IT infrastructure, parking, utilities & a lot more. Thus, staff augmentation is an exponential way that can help you reduce overhead costs. Moreover, firms should also encourage people to bring their own devices. Additionally, paying for the augmented members’ mobile and internet costs is the least one should spend. 

Big Oh Tech can be your Staff Augmentation Partner 

With various years of being a pioneer in the IT sector, Big Oh Tech knows how to provide you with the required staff at the right time. We have various happy clients and accomplished projects in our portfolio. In addition, we offer upmarket resources and skill sets to match your project’s needs.

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