About the Project

Indian Gas Exchange Ltd. (IGX) is India’s first automated national gas exchange, where buyers and sellers can trade gas quickly and fairly. IGX simplifies and makes gas trading transparent.

igx design case study


Gas Trading


Design, Development & Launch


The entire portal was redesigned following the latest design patterns in the trading industry. The UX was revisited to identify and address hindrances, redefining it according to the latest standards. In the market watch section, multiple trading windows were designed, allowing users to view the market depth for multiple products in a single unified window.


Primary Research

A targeted survey was conducted, focusing on brokers within the IGX platform. We asked detailed questions to understand how users interact with the platform, their experiences, and their needs. This research highlighted usability pain points, crucial features, and user expectations, forming the basis for informed design decisions.

Target Audience

Our primary target users were brokers trading on behalf of gas enterprises. Another key user group included decision-makers who identify market trends and monitor account functioning. Secondary target users were exchange-facing admins monitoring the trades on the system.


Hi-Fi Wireframes

igx gas trading platform
igx information architecture
igx dashboard
igx dashboard b&w