AR VR in telecom

The technology of AR/VR has been making headlines every now and then. This is because a rapidly rising number of businesses or industries are adopting this technology. AR/VR in telecom is also a topic of discussion in many articles, summits, conferences, and discourses.   

Multiple factors such as the deployment of a faster network like 5G, the use of 3D holograms, the increased AI (Artificial Intelligence) usage in businesses, etc., have all pushed for greater adoption of AR/VR in telecom and other industries.   

Let’s look at how AR/VR is being applied in the telecom industry and how the companies benefit from its adoption.   

AR/VR in Telecom: Use Cases 

Verizon Communications, a leading American telecom brand, introduced the “Virtual Technician” app to help field technicians access real-time information as well as visualize network elements using AR overlays. 

What benefit did this offer?  

The app streamlined troubleshooting; bringing down the service downtime and enhancing overall efficiency.  

Similarly, the brand also established ‘Verizon 5G Labs’ in order to explore as well as promote the application of AR/VR in telecom. Serving as innovation hubs, these labs allow developers, startups, and industry experts to collaborate even remotely, to develop revolutionary solutions.  

Not just Verizon, but many other industry behemoths such as AT&T, Sprint Corporation, etc., have invested in AR/VR solutions, highlighting the usefulness of these emerging technologies in the telecom industry. AR/VR is the future of all industries to get the fastest growth.

The introduction of AR/VR in the telecommunications industry has thus proved to be a smart move and has brought many benefits to the sector.  

From supporting remote collaboration and training to improving the state of infrastructure and customer service, there are multiple uses of AR/VR in telecom.   

AR/VR in Telecom has the Following Applications:  

AR VR apps in telecom

1. Remote collaboration, support, and training   

Telecom companies often struggle with maintaining infrastructure as it requires specialized and in-depth knowledge and training, and continuous communication and collaboration, most of the time. Sending experts on-site cannot be possible all the time; it can be time-consuming and costly.   

This is when the technology of AR/VR assists.  

AR/VR in telecom helps facilitate remote collaboration, support, and training. With the help of a virtual, or simulated environment, employees working from different parts of the city, country, or world could collaborate seamlessly.   

Moreover, the work in the telecommunications industry may demand constant collaboration and communication between field technicians and experts. In some situations, field technicians may require additional support while repairing complex equipment or addressing network or any other issues.   

This demands quick communication or visits by the experts. However, it might not be possible every time due to other work commitments of the experts. Here AR helps bridge the gap. Using this technology, field technicians set up a two-way audio and video session with the required expert.   

With such sessions powered by AR technology, equipment professionals can detect faults in the equipment quickly in real-time. As per this analysis, experts are able to guide field technicians during equipment repairs and oversee the entire process.   

This is how AR/VR in telecom helps with remote collaboration and support. Moreover, the 5G network can impact AR because of AR’s use of 3D displays.   

A worker, for example, can visualize the pipelines that require work, while wearing AR smart glasses. With the help of 5G, data could be transmitted with very low latency. This is crucial for the user wearing the AR smart glasses to feel and ascertain that there is no lag or any usability problems with the product.  

Also read: 5G And IoT: Modern Technologies With Diverse Use Cases 

For training, telecom companies have the option to develop VR-powered training programs for their employees. These training programs simulate real-world scenarios with a 360-degree virtual environment to train and prepare employees for different potential situations.   

Through VR-enabled training sessions, companies can identify the strengths and weaknesses of individuals as well as teams and target them to improve productivity and performance. Moreover, these sessions offer enjoyable learning and hence, improve retention rates.   

Engineers can further remotely test as well as troubleshoot issues in the network with the help of VR headsets; significantly reducing downtime and costs.  

2. Customer service and support  

With traditional telecom practices, multiple customer service and support issues arise.  

Customers might face issues with their telecom services or equipment and might not be able to describe them clearly over the phone or may not be able to follow the instructions/steps given over calls for troubleshooting the issues. Sometimes, the issues might involve hardware or connections that cannot be described verbally.  

This hampers customer experience and creates misunderstanding. As a result, the customer suffers initially, and the business suffers eventually.  

This is where AR/VR comes to the rescue of all the parties.  

Customers through their AR-enabled smart devices can share live videos of the issue with the technicians or the customer service and support representatives. The latter can then provide real-time guidance and offer stepwise instructions.  

Using AR, visual aids or cues including diagrams, arrows, or annotations, can also be overlaid onto the customer’s physical environment. This offers guidance for checking cable connections, identifying some equipment, etc.  

It can be done using smart glasses or hands-free AR apps.  

While this was the role of AR in customer service and support, VR enables immersive virtual support environments. This allows them to interact and follow step-by-step guidance in a simulated space.  

Therefore, with AR/VR in telecom, customer service, and support representatives can overcome the challenge of troubleshooting remote issues without being physically present there.   

AR VR Experts

 3. Business Intelligence   

Telecom data is vast including network performance, consumer behavior, infrastructure status or conditions, etc. Thus, the traditional methods of data representation and analysis may not provide a comprehensive view or understanding. This could be a challenge while gaining data insights and business intelligence for more informed decisions.  

However, this data representation or analysis can be displayed in a visually engaging and appealing manner through virtual reality.  

Using VR headsets, complex business information/data can be presented in a simple manner or format for ease of understanding. Using business analytics, companies could understand the current market dynamics as well as predict future trends and make smart decisions.   

Strategies formed keeping data analytics as their base are more effective. These strategies help businesses enhance their operations, create practical products, and optimize their revenue management.   

Virtual reality in telecom thus helps businesses to view data analytics in an easier, more comprehensive manner and create strategies that hit the bull’s eye.   

4. Field service management   

Field technicians face a plethora of issues daily since they must oversee complex networks and equipment. They further have to offer solutions for issues that vary in complexity and repair faults on the field. However, doing all this traditionally and thus, manually could be very overwhelming sometimes and leaves room for error.   

This is when field technicians take the help of AR technology. Through AR in telecom, field technicians could identify issues or defects and ascertain the time required for repairs. Furthermore, using this technology field technicians could also identify different components of a machine.   

These components could be scanned using AR-enabled smart devices or headsets. Post-scanning, the smart device will display detailed information about the particular component.   

5. Enhanced equipment training, work infrastructure, and maintenance  

VR in telecom is capable of creating simulated environments. Thus, it can simulate the installation and maintenance of network equipment as well, enabling telecom companies to reduce time, labour, and costs related to the traditional physical testing.   

Furthermore, using AR-based devices, employees could scan the QR codes attached to multiple equipment. The AR headsets will display the equipment manual, specifications, as well as maintenance instructions, the last inspection date, the history of repairs, etc.   

This helps the technicians understand the equipment better and schedule and perform their routine maintenance tasks. This also helps the telecom companies to train their employees better; and provide them with improved operational training.   

Around 80% of the world performs tasks and provides service while they work (think front-line workers and medics). AR smart glasses have the capabilities to allow experts to lead with a hands-free approach while carrying out equipment maintenance-related work, with all the crucial and relevant information displayed in real time.   

Augmented reality in telecom allows companies to offer more interactive and effective training sessions and ensure proper maintenance of the equipment to avoid any potential accidents or failures.   

Must read: AR/VR in the Construction Industry

6. Audits and record-keeping  

In the telecom industry, conducting site audits the traditional way i.e., physically can be quite time-consuming and resource intensive. Moreover, audits for difficult-to-access locations or remote places could be challenging to deal with.  

However, by using AR headsets, telecom companies can conduct regular audits and ensure operational efficiency and security. AR technology allows for performance analysis of the equipment.  

Digital information gets overlaid onto the physical environment, helping auditors with audits. Field technicians using AR devices like smart glasses or smartphones too can access the data, documentation, as well as checklists in real-time while conducting on-site audits. 

Further, potential defects and issues could also be identified through the comprehensive checklist. This checklist or data is recorded for future inspections and to maintain the equipment better in both, the short and long run.  

These interactive checklists help companies and inspectors carry out the inspection process thoroughly, with each step taken correctly. The generated record log could be saved locally on a device or as an augmented reality object in a centralized system.  

This technology provides instructions to the experts to help them conduct effective audits as well and the data collected in the process could be used to create detailed reports.  

7. Virtual conferences and events  

The pandemic has made virtual conferences and events common globally. These events solve the purpose while offering participants a more immersive and engaging experience.  

Moreover, the costs for physical arrangements are reduced in comparison to traditional conferences. In addition, participants can attend these events from their homes or on the go, eliminating commutation costs. Moreover, networking opportunities at virtual conferences are more than in traditional conferences, especially for remote participants.  

Telecom products and services demonstrations in traditional conferences sometimes get constrained by physical space and logistics. This issue is solved by virtual conferences and events.  

Participants could interact with each other in a simulated environment; creating excitement and engagement. Furthermore, they save travel costs, especially for conferences or events at international locations, where a participant may face visa issues, budget constraints, etc.   

8. Easier Inventory Database Access  

Traditional practices of inventory management sometimes involve manually searching through databases or paperwork. This results in potential delays, errors, as well as inefficiencies. 

With augmented reality in telecom, companies could access their inventory databases easily and timely. Using the data stored in this database, identification of shortages becomes easier. This helps companies to arrange the spare parts required on time to keep the operations going smoothly.   

Moreover, inspectors present on-site as well as experts working remotely could also access this database for more situational understanding and control.  

This allows them to order spare parts even during an inspection or audit and ensure nothing has been kept for later. Hinderance in operations due to non-working or faulty equipment or outdated parts could be prevented by this to a great extent.   

These orders can also be updated or logged in the audit records or local devices for future reference.   

AR/VR in Telecom: Benefits   

AR/VR is being widely used by multiple industries. Why? Because this technology is changing the way businesses operate and interact with their customers. 

In telecom too, AR/VR helps streamline operations and facilitate remote collaboration, among other things. These technologies also enhance the customer experience, which is the end goal of most businesses.   

Some of the key benefits of AR/VR in telecom are:   

1. Enhanced customer experiences  

Telecom companies can provide their customers with equipment manuals that are immersive and engaging as well as informative. These instruction manuals make it easier for the customers to learn and maintain the equipment.   

Moreover, with virtual and augmented reality, customers could be joined by a professional or an expert whenever required. They could walk the customers through the process of fixing common issues or assembling the equipment and save the time and costs spent on traveling to physical locations for support.   

This in turn leads to quicker issue resolution and lesser waiting time for clients.   

In the future, as these technologies mature, telecom companies will also be able to give product demos to customers using virtual reality and create even bigger onboarding campaigns using AR and VR in telecom.   

2. Enhanced remote communication and collaboration  

AR/VR in telecom facilitates better remote communication and collaboration. Two-way video and audio sessions powered by AR bring field technicians or professionals and the equipment experts closer; allowing the latter to view and monitor the equipment in real-time. This is especially helpful in the case of any issues or faults in the equipment.   

Equipment experts can provide real-time consultations and oversee the procedures performed by their colleagues on-site, enhancing the productivity of the process at remote locations.   

AR apps also support video streaming through the cameras of AR headsets. This feature allows the expert to view the inspected hardware clearly and detect any potential issues. This video could be saved on the expert’s device for future review.   

3. Improved employee training and experiences  

Using AR/VR, telecom companies could offer more immersive, informative, and learning training sessions. Furthermore, by using this technology, telecom companies can offer better working experiences to their employees.   

In AR and VR, complex data and information could be visualized and understood in a much better manner. This facilitates higher work productivity efficiency and hence, better business. Issues could be identified, and repairs could be done remotely, yet on time using this technology.   

4. Network planning and maintenance 

Using virtual reality, telecom companies can visualize, plan, monitor, and maintain their networks. Network engineers can visualize and simulate the deployment of any new equipment or any modifications to the existing infrastructure before implementation.  

They can further utilize AR/VR to monitor and visualize the data related to network performance in real time. This helps in the identification and faster resolution of the issues.  

5. Innovative marketing and sales strategies  

Telecom companies can leverage virtual reality for innovative marketing campaigns as well as virtual showrooms. This allows customers to experience products and services in an immersive and more engaging manner.  

Also read: AR/VR in Marketing: Examples 


The introduction and implementation of AR/VR in telecom have created a more productive, and efficient working environment for the workers and enhanced experience for the customers. These technologies will further help telecom companies cut costs, rates, downtimes, and waiting times for services.    

By simulation real-life scenarios, workers can enhance their communication, problem-solving, as well as application skills. This will improve workplace efficiency and the improved remote collaboration will further create synergies between different profiles and teams.    

Hence, as the technologies will mature, we will see greater adoption of AR/VR in telecom. Further integration with 5G and AI will help telecom companies gather crucial data, simplify it through immersive visualization, and generate new revenue streams for them.    

While a growing number of telecom businesses have started exploring AR/VR technology for its multiple use cases and myriad benefits, the ones reluctant to explore and embrace it might be left behind in the marketplace.   

So, ensure that your telecom business is up-to-date on technological adoption! And while it might be hard to start from somewhere, we are here to help!  

BigOh is a reliable partner that has helped multiple clients with their AR/VR custom app consultation, development, and maintenance requirements. Our dedicated development team builds the most practical and engaging AR/VR solutions using cutting-edge technologies.   

To know more, get in touch with us today!   

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