AR & VR Transforming Social Media Platforms

Augmented reality is growing up and playing a dominant role in the social media world. 


Features such as AR filters and lenses, virtual try-on products, and blending AR in social media ads, such things make the customers feel WOW.  

A study from Google states that AR turns the scroll stopper into purchasers

Even brands that used AR/VR ads to promote their products increased their conversions by 94%. The study also emphasizes that human beings are visual creatures.  

They react to visual things as 30% of neurons present in the cortex of the brain process visual information. 

Today, consumers expect brands to provide immersive, realistic, and engaging experiences.  

So, if you are a business owner looking to mark your presence in the digital world, it’s high time for you to generate a BUZZ by integrating Augmented reality into social media. 

AR isn’t a luxury; it has become a NECESSITY now. 

In this blog, we’ll explore what AR/VR in social media means, how it affects the app development game, and how you can create an AR-based social media application.  

A sneak peek of AR/VR in social media 

Social media apps like Snapchat became successful because of the AR filters they added. 

The app gained popularity not because it has tons of AR filters, but because it facilitates smoother conversations. 

It changes the way consumers communicate and makes them accustomed to showing their filtered faces and selfies publicly. 

Imagine a scenario where a user scrolling through a social media feed can try on outfits while being present in the real world. 

AR in social media overlays content on top of the real world. When a user taps on dog ears, they can apply those effects to their own face and ears. That’s the power of immersive technology. 

It enhances user engagement by making the platform more interactive. 

Various social media apps have leveraged the power of AR/VR to create interactive filters, add digital effects, and provide immersive experiences to users. 

Hence, the integration of virtual reality in social media takes the user to a new and immersive environment that is different from their real surroundings. 

How does AR/VR affect social media trends? 

Augmented and virtual reality changes the game of social networking apps. 

Let’s discuss how these advanced technologies dominate the social media world. 

1. Changes in the way of content delivery 

Integration of AR/VR in social media transforms the content creation game. Earlier, businesses delivered content in 2D form, but now creative processes are introduced. 

These immersive technologies (AR/VR) change the content delivery method in 3D form. From static images to 3D-generated images, VR hooks people to spend a longer time on social media.   

It changes the way they consume content by transporting them to another world that’s a replica of the real world. 

2. Takes the shopping game to the next level  

AR/VR technology in social media redefines the entire shopping landscape. The customers can try the products virtually before making a purchase. This reduces the hassle of refunding products ordered online. 

As the products are displayed virtually, it results in impulsive buying behavior. Thus, companies can get more conversions as customers can feel how the products look in their living spaces. 

For Instance – The sports brand Nike used a virtual try-on AR lens on Snapchat to appeal to younger demographics. 

They can virtually try different sneakers; choose the shade they want and customize the texture of shoes. After liking the sneakers, if they feel that pair suits them, they can click on “Shop now”. 

3. Increases brand awareness 

Initially, brands used to create BUZZ by running ads on social media or publishing blogs on websites. Now, AR adds spice by turning boring ads into interactive experiences. 

Imagine that a company runs an AR-based ad where users can scan the ad and interact with it such as bikes, wearables, consumer durables, etc.  

Thus, users can get a wholesome experience and the company can experience more engagement and hence more sales. 

4. Changes the viewing experience  

Social media is the place for conducting live events, but with AR/VR technology, live events become more interactive. 

Viewers can connect with the event even if they are 100 miles away.   

Thus, live events create more demand for your products as people worldwide can join you in the event. 

Why do businesses need to integrate Augmented reality into social media apps?  

Let’s talk about why integrating Augmented reality is a game changer for your business-  

1. Increase your sales  

ARVR campaigns increased their conversions

Studies from Zappar report state that brands that invested in AR/VR campaigns increased their conversions by 94% than brands that did not.  

That means AR/VR is a potent tool for the sales department to push the customers down the funnel. 

They don’t have to put in effort to convince prospects to purchase. It makes the sales process easier as customers can try on products before deciding.  

Creating an AR/VR-based social media app increases sales for businesses because people can connect with your products at an emotional level. 

As these immersive technologies enable customers to visualize their product, they are inclined towards making an impulsive purchase.  

2. Market your products with ease  

As a business owner, creating a marketing strategy for your product is super important to appeal to your target audience. 

So, if your business primarily targets Gen Z and younger audience, then you know Instagram is an effective platform for that. 

A survey was conducted by Harris Poll in 2022 which states that the younger generation is keen to try AR and VR technology. 

This means you can widen your business reach by targeting these Gen Z audiences through immersive visual video content and high-quality graphics that immerse them in a virtual environment. 

3. Number of users multiply  

AR/VR-based social media apps are gaining huge popularity these days because a lot of users use these innovative technologies. 

That indicates that there’s a huge demand in the market for AR/VR apps.  

For Instance – Facebook captured the VR market with the Oculus VR platform. While apps like TikTok or Snapchat dominated the world with their AR effects or visual filters.  

Popular examples of AR/VR-based social media apps  

Let’s discuss some of the leading social media apps paving the way in AR and VR.  

1. Snapchat  

Snapchat AR filter

Snapchat is a popular social media application that uses Augmented reality.  

Not only do millions of users use its appealing filters and animations to enhance their photos/videos, but even modern brands leverage their power to craft powerful marketing campaigns. 

Its AR lenses enable brands and creators to play with interactive elements, add virtual objects on top of the real world, and even change their facial appearance.  

Now, the company is planning to bring AR lenses feature in sponsored ads. They believe that on an average basis, over 300 million people interact with virtual experiences daily.  So, why not add interactivity to market your products? 

2. Instagram  

Instagram AR filters

Instagram is another popular example of a social media app that uses Augmented reality. Users can play with AR filters and effects in stories and on reels. 

Brands can use such effects to launch virtual try-on products, make interactive ads that spark fun, and introduce gamified product launch challenges. 

Even, Meta created its AR app known as Meta Spark Player.  

This app allows users to superimpose AR filters when they point their face toward the smartphone camera. It’ll add interactive elements or other virtual objects in the background of the image. 

3. TikTok  

TikTok enhances the beautification element in your photos and videos. It transforms the user experience by adding an element of fun and interactivity.   

AR lenses on TikTok allow users to change the background of an image, turn the user into a virtual character, or change their physical appearance.  

Brands can use such filters to promote products, reach a wider audience, and enhance the user experience. 

Step by Step process in developing an AR-based social media app 

AR-based social media app development process

Now, you’re aware of how AR and VR prove to be a game changer for your business. Let’s discuss the key steps you need to follow for creating an AR-based social media app.  

1. Do the market research 

The first step in AR-based social media app development starts with doing market research.  

This includes understanding your competitors, analyzing their business strategies, and evaluating their monetization model. 

You can conduct market research by asking your in-house marketing team to collaborate with a marketing agency/firm or asking a research firm to provide market reports.  

You can even collect insights about your users through surveys, interviews, or personas. 

Additionally, you need to have a clear vision in your mind as to who is your target client, the problems your app solves, or the unique features you can add to your app.  

2. Craft a development roadmap 

After you have done your target audience and competitor research, the next step involves breaking down every detail in the development process. 

Here, you can decide the app architecture, features to include, functions your app will perform, etc. 


Let’s discuss some of the features you should include while developing an AR-based social media app-  

  • Stories – This feature allows users to share stories that last up to 24 hrs. 
  • Lenses – Users can add virtual objects to their photos and videos.  
  • Image filters – These virtual effects enhance your photos and videos such as animations, 3D objects, effects, cartoon characters, beauty filters, etc.  
  • Geo filter – A virtual location tagging feature that users can use in the content.  
  • Explore – Users can explore others’ content.  
  • Interactive ads – Businesses can turn static and boring ads into interactive ads.  
  • AR messaging/ video calls – Users can create virtual characters (3D avatars) for calls, send video messages, or add 3D animated reactions to messages.   
  • Stickers – Stickers don’t transform the person completely. However, it adds a little bit of fun and makes the photos candid. Some examples of stickers include cat whiskers, cute ears, etc.  
  • User profile – Users can create a profile and see the total credits based on their activity element, how many posts a user posted etc.   
  • Algorithm – What the user will see on his feed. AI algorithms personalize the user experience by considering user location, social media behavior, etc.  

Technology stack 

Here is the technology stack you will use for integrating AR into social media apps. 

Microservices  Java J2EE 
Mobile development Android – Kotlin  IOS – Swift UI 
Front end React 
Admin Panel Angular 
Database Cassandra  Postgres  Reddit  Mongo  
AR development framework Unity  AR core   Wikitude 

3. Hire a development team  

To create an Augmented reality-based social media application, you need the support of a qualified app development agency that can create a visually appealing user interface to transform your business digitally. 

Make sure that the company you partner with provides round-the-clock support and maintenance and ensures that your app remains bug-free and works flawlessly across various platforms.  

How much does it cost to create an AR/VR-based social media app?  

The average cost of developing an Augmented reality-based social media app ranges between $80,000 -$120,000.  

But this is just an estimate of your overall app development process. The cost of AR/VR-based social media App development depends on various factors such as –  

  • Type of app  
  • How complex or easy AR/VR features are  
  • Type of platforms such as single or cross-platform  
  • Ongoing support and maintenance   
  • Are you going with MVP or a full-featured app?  
  • Type of app development team such as in-house or outsourced  

Wrapping up  

App development has already been on the rise for the past few years, but Augmented reality is leading the way in the world of social media.  

From rolling out lenses on Snapchat to creating AR ads on Facebook, everything looks immersive for consumers. 

While integration of these immersive technologies (AR/VR) is a game changer for business owners as it adds value not from the context of branding and entertainment, but it does increase their sales. 

A report from eMarketer states that 43.7 million people used AR in social media at least once a month during 2020.  

This means that people love interacting with social media apps when it has an array of filters, effects, and animations. 

Furthermore, selling products becomes easy with virtual try-on experiences.  

So, if you too want to rule the global market, try integrating AR/VR technology in developing social media apps. Such immersive elements can be fun for users, while it can be a powerful marketing weapon for brands.  

As a pioneer in the AR/VR development domain, we know how to create an interactive digital environment that engages your customers and connects with them at an emotional level. 

We use the latest tools and technologies to create modern social media apps that align with your app vision and business goals. 

Looking for a reliable social media app development partner?  


Q1. What will social media look like in 2025? 

The future of social media apps looks increasingly promising as brands can connect with their audience at a closer level. They can collaborate with influencers and micro-influencers to promote their products. 

Consumers, on the other hand, can communicate directly with brands and make purchases. As users spend more time on these platforms, businesses find immense potential to build relationships with their audience. 

Q2. What are the benefits of creating an AR social media app? 

Here are few benefits of creating an AR-based social media app- 

  • Increase your sales 
  • Market your products with ease 
  • Take advantage of a growing number of users 

Q3. How are 3D and Augmented Reality Used in Social Media? 

The blend of augmented reality in social media provides unique ways for brands to connect with their audience. Platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram offer users 3D effects and filters to encourage them to spend more time on these apps. 

These are not mere tools for changing the user’s appearance, but rather powerful weapons for brands to turn customers into brand ambassadors. 

Consider this: when customers get an immersive experience while using your app, they’re more likely to share such content in their stories and feeds. This draws others’ attention. 

Thus, such interactive elements increase user engagement rates and empower users to share on social media. 

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