DevOps Statistics Key Figures

DevOps Statistics 2024: Key Figures You Need to Know

DevOps is neither a trend nor a practice, it’s a culture that shapes the entire organization. DevOps is a technique...

Cost of developing a BNPL app like Afterpay

Breaking Down the Cost of Developing BNPL App Like Afterpay

Tech savvy consumers especially Gen Z and Millennials prefer convenient and interest-free payment options. A research study states that the...

custom software development

Is Custom Software Development A Need For Your Business?

Software and applications play a significant role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the organization. Also, apps and software prove...

IT staff augmentation

IT Staff Augmentation: Benefits, Trends, and Process

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, finding skilled IT professionals has become a daunting challenge for organizations. As Marc Benioff,...

Cost to build a Progressive Web App

How Much Does It Cost to build a Progressive Web App? 

Major premier brands such as Twitter, Pinterest, Alibaba, and Washington Post created progressive web apps and saw significant spikes in...

Benefits of Using ReactJs
Psychology in UI/UX design

Psychology in UI/UX design: 8 Best Practices for Effective Designs 

Human psychology and user experience go hand in hand. Let’s say you hire UI/UX designers – (Designer A and Designer...

On-Demand Application Development Cost & Features

On-Demand Application Development: Complete Guide, Features & Cost

On-demand apps have become an integral part of consumers’ lives, ranging from grocery delivery, pharmacy to streaming live shows. Consumers...

Cost to build a profitable grocery delivery app like instacart

Cost to Build a Grocery Delivery App like Instacart

The penetration of internet facilities and the increasing availability of smartphones urge consumers to adopt online shopping behavior.  Customers love...

Develop app like Airbnb

6 Simple Ways to Develop an App Like Airbnb

The popularity of on-demand apps has increased significantly due to the convenience they offer and the value they add to...