react native app development cost

React Native apps offer you the best of both worlds. It allows a business to be present on both Android and iOS, among other platforms with a single codebase. Thus, it saves both time and costs and offers enhanced engagement. Now that we have talked about its importance, let’s look at React native app development cost for businesses.   

Let’s start with some basics first.   

What Is React Native App Development?  

React Native (RN) is a JavaScript framework that serves as a hybrid app development platform, but one that also offers compatibility with multiple ‘native’ features. It is an open-source framework (which means it’s free for public use) that was built and launched by Facebook in 2015. Further, it includes resources like pre-built components, libraries, and reference material.     

Now that we have learned the basic of React Native, we shall look at React Native app development.  

React Native facilitates app development for iOS, Android, Windows, or Web platforms, with a single code. This framework offers a wide range of native-like UI components. This framework comes with 85 to 90% codes consisting of JavaScript and JSX code for app development.  


“Most companies developing mobile on the current native stacks must compromise in some way. Either on productivity (developing the same product multiple times with different engineers on different stacks), on quality (making low-quality apps), or on scope (focusing on a single platform). The path towards stopping these compromises is inventing new mobile stacks — like React Native.”   

  • Tal Kol, ex-Head of Mobile Engineering at in an interview  

React Native apps have extensive benefits for a business. Big names like Facebook or Meta, Bloomberg, Uber, Microsoft, etc., have used React Native to build their apps.     

Apps Using React Native
Apps Using React Native

Generally, apps that target multiple platforms, are for social media or eCommerce purposes, or need to be built on a low budget and launched faster in the market are made using React Native.

Now we would look at the different React native app development costs.   

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React Native App Development Cost

There are multiple costs that a business seeking a React Native app should be aware of. These React Native app development costs are categorized as per different functional and non-functional aspects.  

React Native app development costs include:   

React Native App Development Cost
React Native App Development Cost

1. App Type And Complexity  

The app type and complexity heavily influence the React Native app development cost.   

A feature-rich and highly complex React Native app surely demands more investments than a low-functionating, less complex app.   

For example, a reminder app is less feature-rich than a high-utility e-commerce app that requires more features and functionality. And hence, the costs differ.   

App complexity has been divided into less, medium, and high complexity.   

Let’s look at some types of React Native apps along with the costs involved:   

App Type And Complexity
App Type And Complexity

2. React Native App Design 

Next on the list is the design of your React native app.  

An app with a complex design and significant customizations costs more than an app with a simple design and minimal to no customizations.  

Let’s look at the design cost breakdown for a React Native app: 

React Native App Design
React Native App Design

3. Basic and Add-On App Features

Apps come with multiple features, some basics, and other add-ons, depending upon the purpose it serves. And all these features require their respective time and costs to be built.   

Now while basic features include login/ signup for an app, API integrations, etc., add-features are more detailed and customized to match the purpose of the app. The latter thus includes social media logins, payment gateways, etc.   

At this point, we would look at React Native app development cost for features.  

  • Basic App Features:
Basic App Features
Basic App Features
  • Add-on Features:
Add-on Features
Add-on Features

4. React Native App Store Developer’s Fee  

An app that is built to serve the target audience needs to be published on a platform that is common to the users. This is especially the case when the app is customer-centric.   

The two major platforms are the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To publish an app on the App Store, one needs to pay a fee of $99 per year, whereas Google Play Store just requires a one-time payment of $25.   

Android allows businesses to publish their app on other 3rd party marketplaces, while this is not allowed for iOS apps.   

5. React Native App Maintenance  

When a product is built, it is important to take into account future maintenance costs. These costs help a business to keep the app up and running and continue serving its target audience.   

These costs involve design modifications, frequent updates, and bug fixing.   

Below is the React Native app development cost for maintenance:   

React Native App Maintenance
React Native App Maintenance

The costs for urgent or frequent updates required depends upon the scale of work needed.  

6. React Native App Development Team

This is a non-functional aspect of React Native app development cost. This last point, a rather crucial one, talks about the costs involved in opting for different development engagement models, the experience and expertise of the developers, and the type of outsourcing services (if availed).   

Let’s look at the different types of developers/teams chosen to build the app and the related costs:   

React Native App Development Team
React Native App Development Team

Read Also: Difference between Offshore Outsourcing and In-House Hiring

Now we would look at the costs that vary with the experience and expertise of a developer:  

Experience and Expertise of a Developer
Experience and Expertise of a Developer

Lastly, we would learn about the costs involved in different types of outsourcing services majorly dependent upon the location of the third-party service provider.   

Location of Service Provider
Location of Service Provider

Below are the outsourcing models and the related costs for React Native app development:   

Read Also: How to hire dedicated Developers in India

While some factors such as:  

  • App complexity,  
  • App design,  
  • Features added, 
  • Type of team chosen, etc.,  

increase the costs of a React Native app development, some other factors such as:  

are a few aspects that reduce React Native app development costs.   

How Can We Help?

Hire Indian Developers
Hire Indian Developers

BigOhTech is a leading React Native app development company. We offer a wide range of React Native app services ranging from ideation and consulting to engineering to maintenance and support.  

We ensure that we build feature-rich, modern React Native apps that work effortlessly on multiple platforms such as iOS and Android. Our UI/UX designs are well-thought and make the entire user navigation journey seamless.   

Our React Native app development service is secure, reliable, and profitable. So don’t wait, book a free consultation session with us today! 


Q1. What is the average hourly rate for a React Native app developer in 2023?  

The average hourly rate for a global React Native developer in 2023 is $46/hr.  
Whereas the average React Native developer hourly rate in India is ₹ 437 per hour.

Q2. Can I hire a React Native app development company to develop my app?  

Yes, under the outsourcing model of engagement, you can hire a React Native app development company for app development.
BigOhTech is a leading React Native app development name in the industry. Please visit our website and go through our services and portfolio for more information.

Q3. How can I reduce the cost of React Native app development?  

Some factors that would lead to a reduction in costs for React Native app development are:
1. Clearly defining and prioritizing features,  
2. Hiring an experienced and reliable developer or developing partner, and
3. Leveraging already established open-source components as well as libraries

Q4. What are the advantages of React Native?

React Native enables developers to create cross-platform mobile apps with native app-like functionality. Furthermore, because it is intended for mobile devices, this framework offers faster performance, greater flexibility, and a more efficient development process.

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