advantages of flutter

Top 10 Reasons to Use Flutter for App Development

There has been a massive transformation in the development of businesses. A couple of years back, it was challenging for developers to build robust mobile apps quickly that could run on multiple platforms. Developers end up writing separate code for developing mobile apps that could seamlessly work on both platforms (Android and IOS). Therefore, the need for developing cross-platform apps arises helping businesses achieve their goals effectively and efficiently. Let’s uncover the top 10 advantages of Flutter in this blog.

Let’s shed some light on stats-  

Statista says,” 42% of software developers use Flutter for developing cross-platform applications”. Moreover, The figure itself says that the development of apps using Flutter is skyrocketing so many developers started relying on Flutter to create scalable mobile apps.   

Furthermore, we will dive deeper to make you understand why you should choose Flutter to develop your next-generation mobile and web applications.   

What is Flutter?

You might have heard this phrase “Flutter is eating the mobile world.” Overall, Flutter is a complete software development kit (SDK) that allows developers to develop apps for IOS, Android, and web apps using a single code.  

Additionally, Flutter is an open-source technology that facilitates the development of cross-platform applications. It was expensive to develop mobile apps earlier, but now Flutter makes it relatively easy for developers to create single code and run applications simultaneously.   

 Before the arrival of Flutter, developers used Objective C/swift and Java/Kotin languages for developing mobile applications. But Flutter now gives a competitive edge to businesses to build a customized UI for an app that looks like a native app.   

What is Flutter used for?  

When there is a need to develop cross-platform applications, then Flutter is the go-to option for you as it offers numerous advantages. Meanwhile, Developers can use Flutter to create mobile and web apps for various platforms. Flutter does not require a JavaScript library to communicate with native components.  

The top brands are also using Flutter to develop various mobile and web applications. For Instance – Google uses Flutter to create specific modules for Google Assistant. E-bay, Alibaba uses Flutter to create a uniform look of an app. 

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Flutter uses a hybrid framework model to develop high-quality apps that work on cross-platforms.   

Top 10 Advantages of Flutter App Development

Here are the top 10 advantages of Flutter for developing apps –

1. Free, open-source language   

Google developed Flutter which is a complete Software development toolkit. Flutter allows developers to access the documentation from developer forums. Moreover, Developers can quickly see how Flutter works by opening the source code. It enables the developers to make modifications to the code.   

Additionally, Flutter allows developers to share their code suggestions if the developers feel they are proficient in improving the usability of an app.   

2. Operate on multiple platforms   

Flutter provides the feature of code reusability, allowing developers to write code once and run the apps on Android, IOS, web, and desktop. Moreover, You need not worry about hiring Android developers separately to create Android apps and IOS developers for creating IOS apps.   

It becomes easy for developers to work with Flutter as the development of apps for multiple platforms goes hand in hand. Therefore, it reduces development costs and helps businesses to launch their apps faster.   

3. A growing number of app developers   

Flutter has stronger support from the developer community as compared to react native. Stack Overflow survey suggests that Flutter is one of the popular frameworks for developing mobile apps and it comes before react native in this list.   

A growing number of app developers

4. Boosts performance   

Flutter smoothens the development of Android and IOS apps by 73%. This framework has native-level rendering quality that provides native-like performance by delivering 60 frames per second (FPS) to ensure that apps load smoothly.   

Besides, Flutter does not need any bridge to interact with native components, causing the app to run faster.   

5. Hot reload framework    

flutter app development

Flutter provides the developers with a hot reload feature where they can see the app’s real-time changes. Developers can see the errors, if any, in real time and fix them then and there. The hot reload framework provides a competitive edge to developers to see all the changes on the spot.   

All the updates in the app are made available to developers and designers, which in turn increases the productivity of developers.   

6. It provides you with the option of flutter widgets.  

Flutter has 1000+ in-built flutter widgets which is beneficial for creating stunning visuals for the app. If you are thinking about how Flutter makes similar applications for Android and IOS, this is possible through widgets. Developers can customize these widgets with respect to changes in color, shape, and clipping.  

Additionally, The prime purpose of Widgets is to create stunning user interfaces for the app that could hook the visitors to spend a long time on the app. Flutter offers 2 different sets of UI widgets to create an interactive UI experience for the end user –   

  1. Material widgets   
  1. Copertino widgets   

7. Same UI and logic work for all platforms   

One of the prominent advantages of Flutter is that it gives you an edge to incorporate the same UI and apply the same logic for multiple platforms. Developers can share the same UI across all platforms without affecting the performance of an end product.   

Therefore, you need to worry about maintaining UI consistency across all platforms, as Flutter does not require any platform-specific components to create an interactive UI.    

8. It uses Dart as a programming language.   

Flutter uses Dart as its programming language to create mobile and web apps. Dart has evolved a lot over the past few years and is used to develop fast-performing apps. The coding becomes much easier for the developer as the developer need not worry about writing different codes.   

9. Saves development time   

Flutter saves hours of developing apps. It makes the development process much faster as developers use 2 different languages to create 2 separate applications. Android developer uses Java/Kotlin to develop Android apps, and IOS developer uses objective C/Swift to create IOS apps.   

Consequently, Flutter has removed such gaps by allowing programmers to use a single codebase that gives a native-like look and functionality of an app.  

10. Flutter apps are cost-effective.   

The time required to build mobile and web apps using Flutter is not time-consuming. The development cost required to make flutter apps is comparatively lower as compared to building native applications. This also saves your cost incurred on hiring a large number of android and IOS app developers.   

Also Read – Cost To Build a Flutter App

Wrapping Up

Now, you clearly understand why Flutter is considered the best framework for developing mobile and web apps. The advantages of Flutter are immeasurable; if you choose Flutter, it could be a game changer for your business.   

If you have an app idea, our app developers can transform an app idea into a live app and help you achieve cross-platform development needs. Flutter is best for those enterprises who want to create cross-platform apps, as apps created through Flutter can efficiently run on multiple platforms.  

Wanted to scale your business to great heights, fill out the contact us form, and we will contact you within 24 hours.   


Q1. What language does Flutter use?

Flutter uses Dart programming language to develop mobile and web apps

Q2. Why is Flutter used in a mobile application?

Flutter is widely used for developing mobile applications because it is an open-source framework that allows developers to build faster apps that can work on multiple platforms. Also, Flutter reduces the development time of apps as it uses a single codebase to create high-performing apps.

Q3. Is Flutter a framework or a library? 

Flutter is a complete software development kit (SDK) that includes UI based widget library to create customizable and highly adaptive UI interfaces

Q4. What are the disadvantages of Flutter?

Though Dart is the prevalent language for creating Flutter apps, it is not significant compared to object-oriented languages such as Objective C, JavaScript, etc.  
Another disadvantage is that Flutter offers a limited number of third-party libraries because it is still a new and growing framework. There are a lot of updates that the Flutter team is going to launch in the coming few years

Q5. Where can Flutter not be used?

Flutter is not suitable for building apps for TV operating systems, Android Auto, Carplay, or watch OS.

Q6. Is Flutter a Google product?

Yes, Flutter is a Google product. Google uses the Flutter framework for building its apps. Flutter is best suited for developing cross-platform apps.  

Q7. What is the best scenario when Flutter should be used? 

Flutter is highly suited for developing mobile and web apps in these cases –  
It gives you a competitive edge to develop scalable and fast-performing cross-platform apps, which in turn reduces your development time by 2x, Flutter is getting immense support from hundreds and thousands of developers, and its community is growing.   
Developers using Flutter need not worry about writing multiple codes for running applications. 


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