How To Find a Mobile App Development Partner

Do you want to create an app that can help you attract users, retain them forever, and makes you earn more ROI? Many companies need help in finding a mobile app development partner even if they have the world’s best ideas. Do you know why? 

It is because they are unaware of how to implement their ideas, aka how to develop a mobile application that converts.   

Let’s shed some light on stats related to app development partnerships –  

According to Statista, “Google play store is the largest app store as it contains 3.55 million apps”. It means Android users now have a pool of apps to choose from. On the contrary, the app store has around 1.6 million apps for IOS users.   

These figures will shock you once, but this is the fact. Mobile apps are growing significantly, and you know how important mobile apps are in this digital world.   

We understand your concern that finding a relevant app development partner for your dream app is not a cakewalk. But I will ensure that this blog will help you to choose the best app development partner for your business.   

In this guide, I will dive deeper to help you understand the following things –  

  • 10 steps to choose your app development partner 
  • Why you must select a mobile app partner, and 
  • 3 mistakes you should avoid before hiring a mobile app development partner.   

A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing Your Mobile App Development Partner   

Steps to find a mobile app development partner for your business

1. Do Your Search to Identify Project Requirements

The first stage is about having clarity in your mind as to why you want to hire an app development partner for your business. Create a checklist handy that contains these questions- 

  • What are your goals for this project?  
  • What are your project requirements?  
  • What are your expectations from developers?  
  • Which type of app do you want your app partner to develop?  
  • Who is the target audience of this app?  
  • What is your budget?  
  • What is the process of collaborating with a mobile app partner?  

If any of the parameters mentioned above is unclear, then you cannot expect your collaboration to go well.  

2. Do In-Depth Market Research

After you identify your project requirements, the next step is to do market research. Doing in-depth market research will smoothen your collaboration process. Here you will narrow down the list and gather more information about your app development partners and their hourly charges.   

3. Define the Scope of Work

In this stage, you will define the scope of work. You will dig deeper to understand which project you would like to outsource. For example – Do you want to outsource UX design?   

In a nutshell, you need to decide which operations you will outsource to your app development partner or which operations your in-house team will perform.   

 4. Check Out the Portfolio of Your Mobile App Partner

Here you need to cross-verify everything about the app development company. The portfolio will help you check whether they are the best match for you. Ask a developer partner to showcase their actual work or the type of projects they have delivered to previous clients.  

For example – If the app partner says- We create an app with a unique and intuitive user interface then make sure to check out the app. You can understand a lot from their actual work.   

5. Select the Proficient App Development Partners

After you evaluate their portfolio, it’s high time for you to conduct the screening process and select the right app developers that fit the best for your project.    

When you are doing the screening process, here are a few things you need to consider before choosing a perfect app development partner –   

  • How much expertise do they have in the technology niche?  
  • Have they developed real applications or not?  
  • Do they have relevant domain knowledge?  
  • Are they aware of the trends going on in the technology domain?  
  • Do they have relevant skills for this project?   
  • What tech stacks are they using to develop a scalable mobile app?  

6. Evaluate App Development Costs

The most significant element you need to consider is the cost of developing a mobile application. Suppose you have x amount with you; then you can allot a portion of X to mobile app development.    

But that doesn’t mean you are choosing an app development partner as it offers cheap costs to develop your mobile app.    

Remember! An app is your face of business with which your customers will interact day and night.   

Take your time and understand the breakdown of various proposals and then do your comparative analysis considering the number of hours involved and their skillset.    

7. Ensure Regular Communication With Your App Development Team

In this stage, you will ensure that there should be regular communication that takes place between you and your mobile app partner. Ask them the following questions –  

  • Are they comfortable working in different time zones? 
  • What platforms will you use for regular communication? 
  • How will they create a workflow?  

8. Evaluate the Maintenance Policy for Apps

When developers develop your mobile app, ask them whether they will provide maintenance services, what are their payment models, whether they will charge separately for maintenance or not, and do they provide any ongoing support.   

9. Do the Verification of Security Measures of the App

Here, you will need to verify the mobile app’s security by asking developers about how they manage their data, how they ensure the security of your mobile app, and what methods they use to protect data security.   

Additionally, you will get them to sign a non-disclosure agreement so that there will not be any security concerns in the future.4

You can also read- Mobile App Development – Ultimate Guide

10. Check Out the User Experience (Design Elements)

Creating a catchy user interface and providing the best user experience always stays at the top. If you want to get a gist of app partner designs, then you can see their previous designs, and some app development partners can offer you free design mockups during your proposal phase.  

Bigohtech App Development

3 Mistakes That Can Waste Your Dollars if Not Taken Into Consideration

  3 mistakes you should avoid when you find a mobile app development partner-

1. Focus Should Not be Limited to Cost Factor   

As you know, cost plays a significant role in collaborating with app development companies. But it should not be treated as the only thing when looking for someone who can develop the best mobile application.   

If you think to compromise with your quality aspect and you later observe that customers aren’t spending more time on your mobile app or that your mobile app does not align with your business goals, you are on the wrong track.    

2. Don’t Ignore Confidentiality Aspects    

You must work with an app development partner who is ready to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with you. Don’t compromise the confidentiality aspect of developing a mobile app.   

3. Do Not Choose a Company That Do Not Discuss Documentation Requirements   

Don’t work with any app development partner who is not ready to sign any document or doesn’t want to discuss document requirements. Make sure to discuss document requirements in advance before you proceed ahead.   

Also Read: How To Choose The Best Shopify App Developers


This guide is enough for you to choose your next app development partner. Make sure you identify project requirements first, define the scope of work, set your budget, and then start finding your app partner.    

If you are ready to discuss your app development goals, then contact us now. Our team of expert mobile app developers will provide you with a 30 min consultation session. 


Q1. Why find a mobile app development partner?  

Here are a couple of benefits you will get by hiring an app development partner –  
You can access a pool of mobile app developers proficient in the technology field, and they can apply their industry insights to developing your app.   
When you partner with an app development partner, you can expect a quality product from them.   
Your mobile app development company will provide app deployment support, so you need not worry about the app store or Android guidelines.   

Q2. What is an application partner?

An application partner is a person or company who will work with your company to help you deliver your project successfully. An app development partner will work to ensure the successful delivery of mobile/web applications.

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