The latest iOS development trend

Mobile apps have grown by leaps and bounds in contemporary times. And iOS apps are almost half of them. This makes it important for businesses to take note of the latest iOS app development trends. 

The Apple App Store which started with just 500 applications in 2008, had around 2.18 billion apps available exclusively for iOS users in 2022. Moreover, the platform is continuously growing with 34,000 iOS apps released per month in the same year.   

Apple is a name that has a lot of goodwill attached to it. The users thus expect a lot out of it and the apps it offers. And so, the iOS platform aims to satisfy the expectations of its followers by constantly upgrading and providing new app features. It also keeps strengthening its security provisions and policies.  

Similarly, businesses having an iOS presence must follow the emerging trends for iOS mobile application development. Timely implementation of these trends and techniques helps a business to stay competitive, and relevant as well as cater to the evolving market and user needs.   

Let’s thus jump straight on to the latest iOS app development trends that every business needs to follow religiously to stay ahead of the competition.  

Latest iOS app development trends:

Implementing modern iOS app development trends in the development phase could really help a business offer its users what’s new and more utility-generating. Developers can help these businesses to be at the top of their iOS mobile app development game and gain the most out of it.    

So, in this section, we would divide the trends and techniques into different categories based on their nature and usability, for better understanding.   

Emerging iOS app development trends of 2024:  

This section focuses on the latest emerging technologies that would positively impact the iOS app development process.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)   

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

AI is one of the buzzing words of the 21st century. It has enabled humans to get answers to all their queries in just one click, among other things. It has simplified human lives.   

Businesses have already incorporated AI in their apps to a large extent in the last few years. For example, Facebook shows relevant content based on user preferences by using AI. Uber is optimizing routes with the help of user data and forecasting rider demand. Netflix offers personalized recommendations for movies and shows by analyzing current and past user preferences.   

However, the technology keeps on getting more sophisticated and the scope of its usage is expanding with each passing year. Additionally, its easy accessibility has made it possible for developers to include advanced features such as personal assistants and image recognition in iOS apps. This in turn allows businesses to offer superior content and features to their iOS app users.   

In 2024, Siri would be made more accurate and helpful using AI technology. According to a report, Siri would be able to recognize complete user situations and then provide the answers with more accuracy using user data.   

2. IoT  


Internet of Things, this technology enables users to remotely control their smart home devices, through their iOS devices. The IoT-enabled devices allow connecting various devices and transferring data/information.   

Integration of IoT within iOS apps facilitates increased automation and thus streamlines processes. Users are able to set schedules, routines, and notifications for their smart devices. This makes their daily lives easy and activities and tasks, better timed.   

As per reports, there was an 18% increase in the number of connected IoT devices in 2022, bringing the total to approximately 14.4 billion. Thus, it comes as no surprise, that the technology is only going to get bigger and better in the next 5 years, to say the least.   

Thus, in 2024, iOS app developers can build more products with IoT integration like wearables, and allow its users to make their daily operations more efficient and convenient.   

For example, iOS apps used in the healthcare sector can help healthcare providers in checking patients’ condition at home and transfer the data to the doctor.   

3. AR/VR  


These two immersive technologies are penetrating industries at a rapid pace. AR/VR stands for Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Both these technologies attempt to combine the real and digital worlds through sensory experiences. They just differ in scope. AR has a wider ambit and is an extension of VR capabilities.   

They have the capability of creating more engaging and utility iOS apps. They can be used across various industries such as healthcare, gaming, travel and tourism, retail, etc.   

Through all these years, many big brands have integrated these technologies into their apps. For example, IKEA uses AR/VR for enhanced user experience. The pandemic further pushed businesses, especially the eCommerce apps to offer these technologies where people can sit at their homes, try on the products, and make an informed decision.   

Apple too supported the technology by introducing various tools like ARKit, Reality Kit, and Metal API to encourage the iOS developers to use the AR technology more and more for iOS mobile app development.   

Thus, AR/VR technology will certainly be made mainstream in 2024 due to the extensive benefits it offers to enhance user experience and exactly why iOS app developers should do AR/VR app development.    

4. Wearable Apps  

Wearable Apps

Everybody is aware of the concept of wearable apps. Almost every wrist has a smartwatch, fitness tracker, or smart jewelry. Their popularity is known to all and so is their utility.   

Wearable apps could be used for multiple purposes as fitness tracking, health tracking, weather updates, etc. This technology provides users with quick and portable access to important data about themselves and other things. Apple Watch is one of the most sought-after wearables technologies in the market today.  

Also, read our blog on how wearables can be incorporated into your mobile apps.   

With wearables apps, there are certain small hiccups that need special attention from the iOS developers such as the limited screen spaces and UI, short battery life, and the ease of navigation and performance. Security should also be a priority since the apps have access to sensitive personal data.  

But don’t worry, our guide to the wearables app development process would help you build profitable and utility apps.   

Despite these specific points to consider while building these apps, wearables are a hit amongst users and IT experts. Wearable apps thus should be incorporated into iOS mobile app development as much as possible.   

5. Gamification  


This is a trend that suggests incorporating gaming design elements into non-gaming apps to enhance user engagement as well as retention. Engaging, game-like elements can be added in the form of rewards, points, challenges, etc.   

The concept of gamification makes the app more attractive and entertaining to users, offering elements that they can interact with and engage with.   

CRED uses gamification to engage users and retain them. The app makes use of elements like coins, rewards, coupons, and discounts earned through games and offers them to users to pay their bills on time.    

More and more companies should make use of this concept in order to attract users and keep them engaged with the iOS apps.   

6. On Demand Apps  

On Demand Apps

On-demand apps allow users to receive services in real-time. These apps provide a wide variety of services. These apps offer ride-hailing, food delivery, and home services.   

By using the on-demand iOS apps, users enjoy the flexibility and convenience of requesting services as and when they need them. Further, they can track the status of their requests, adding to the pleasant user experience.    

As an iOS mobile app development trend, businesses would stand to benefit from on-demand app development, offering users what they need, when they need.   

7. Mobile Commerce  

Mobile Commerce

Buying and selling of goods and services on mobile devices, are all facilitated by mobile commerce. The eCommerce apps have mobile commerce that enables buyers and sellers to shop and exchange money.   

Features that are offered by mobile commerce are mobile payments, in-app purchasing, and personalized recommendations through AI. These apps facilitate a seamless shopping experience and secure transactions.   

The mobile commerce trend for iOS mobile app development would certainly grow in the coming years as eCommerce expands, with an increasing number of users inclining towards online shopping. In fact, as per Statista, the user penetration in eCommerce is expected to grow to 66.2%% by 2027.  

Thus, businesses should build iOS apps that offer mobile commerce, and iOS app developers should create UIs that are easy to navigate and apps that are secure for online transactions.   

8. Super Apps  

Super Apps

These apps are super. Believe us! They offer multiple services on one single platform. Super apps offer services like messaging, payment processing, etc. Users do not need to juggle between multiple apps for different services. Instead, they can just access all these services through a single, Super App.   

Due to the multiple benefits offered, these apps are gaining popularity in various nations. They are already a hit in Asian nations like China and India. WeChat and Alipay in China and Paytm in India are some of the most sought-after Super apps in the Asian continent.  

Not just limited to Asia, these apps are gaining traction in other regions of the world too. And these apps allow businesses to cater to multiple needs of the users and offer them an integrated experience. Similarly, iOS app developers also get the room to explore and extend their capabilities with just a single Super App.   

Thus, businesses should incorporate this iOS mobile app development trend in their next iOS app endeavor for increased efficiency and enhanced user experience. By offering a secure, centralized platform for various services, businesses would simplify the life of its user.   

The iOS developers can also integrate modern technologies and innovative designs with their iOS app development with Swift or Objective C, to create Super Apps that certainly have super futures!   

9. iBeacon  


Beacon is a small and simple Bluetooth gadget that allows brands to send consumers notifications about what’s new, discounts and offers, locations, etc. as the latter crosses the store/ the spot. As a consumer crosses the store, the sensors connect to the smartphone, and push notifications are sent informing the user about offers, schemes, etc.   

Many companies are using it since around 2013. Apple is one of them and has iBeacon technology. However, it has started gaining more popularity in the recent past. And would continue to do so due to the greater opportunities for sales and revenue offered by it to contemporary businesses.   

The iBeacon technology could be used for providing updates to travelers regarding flight delays at airports or allowing users to track their whereabouts inside a building, etc. This technology also allows businesses to learn about their customers and their purchasing patterns/behavior.  

Apple recently introduced an SDK that enables developers to integrate iBeacons into their iOS apps without having to write any code. At the same time, users can choose to discontinue or restrict the notification from specific apps at their discretion.   

The iBeacon market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 87.74% between 2019 and 2027 and so this technology deserves a place in the iOS mobile app development trends for 2024 list.   

10. Chatbot  


Chatbots are a technology that is all over the internet. Everyone’s talking about its extensive uses across various industries. This technology is driven by Artificial Intelligence or AI.   

Chatbots are used by businesses for multiple reasons. Some use it to improve customer retention rate and sales, while others use it in the form of virtual assistants to look after user queries and provide them with information about the products and services.   

A user attention span is extremely limited, and the business that is able to offer them timely responses wins in this highly competitive marketplace. Delays of any kind are not well-received by businesses.   

Thus, businesses are increasingly using chatbots for user interaction and queries, without any delays in the responses. They are further saving time and money on human resources by using AI-powered chatbots.   

This technology is already in use, however, with advancements, the advantages offered by it will increase multi-fold. And thus, it deserves investment by businesses and integration into the iOS mobile app development.     

11. Camera Focussed Apps  

Camera Focussed Apps

Camera-focused apps existed before too; however, they have become more prevalent during and after the pandemic. The shift to a remote work model and business dependence on online communication facilitated the rise of these apps.    

With technology being the primary means to stay connected, and communicated for work, camera-focused apps gained importance. Video conferencing apps initiated and completed many business operations and deals. Video communication from any part of the world made lives and work easier.   

Moreover, social media platforms leverage camera-focused apps for greater interaction and engagement. Features like TikTok, Reels, filters, etc., have gained a lot of popularity in the last few years as newer generations seek fresh and creative ways of engagement. They seek modern ways to evolve and engage, which is fulfilled by the new camera-focused features offered by these apps.   

Non-Functional Trends: 

Non-functional trends talks about the qualities and characteristics that would improve iOS app development in 2024 and the future.

1. High Security   

High Security

Humans always require security. From earning a livelihood to spending the earned money and everything in between, humans seek security in every task and process. And so, they demand security in the apps too that drive their day-to-day lives.   

Moreover, with cyber-attacks, crimes, and security breaches increasing in number in the last decade, it has become even more important for iOS app developers to build robust security into their apps.  

From protection of user data privacy and guarding against malicious hacking attempts or unauthorized access, to continuous monitoring for potential threats, an iOS developer needs to make sure that he/she is safeguarding the user information and data at all times.   

This can be done by ensuring data encryption at both times, transition, and at rest and patching the vulnerabilities on a regular basis. Further, they can use two-factor authentication, make setting strong passwords and changing them from time to time a healthy practice for users, etc.   

Although Apple comes out with updates or policies or provisions that reinforce the idea and functionality of security in their systems and apps, like the App Tracking transparency or the AppTransportSecurity (ATS), iOS app developers should also prioritize app security for users.   

Furthermore, businesses should also ensure that they push for security provisions in the iOS mobile app development process to offer users a secure experience.   

2. 5G Support and Accessibility   

5G Support and Accessibility

The 5G network can facilitate faster internet speeds and connections and reduce latency compared to the generations of mobile networks that existed before it.  

This in turn has enhanced the speed and performance of mobile apps, creating new possibilities for iOS developers and businesses seeking iOS mobile app development. Both parties could create more modern and interactive iOS apps in collaboration, leveraging the 5G network.  

The iOS apps supported by 5G can handle more amounts of data and can offer real-time interactions. Clearer video content, streaming, or communication with minimal lags as well as enabling real-time updates, all are made easier and smoother with the 5G network.  

This also results in increased accessibility of the iOS apps. Another reason to enhance the accessibility of iOS apps in 2024 is the shift or addition in the user persona.  

Gone are those days when only the well-educated, or people of certain age or income used to access smartphones and apps on it. In today’s time, a user belongs to multiple age groups, income backgrounds, and literacy brackets. Therefore, contemporary times call for change in the target user base for mobile apps.   

Thus, iOS apps should be made more accessible in 2024, targeting a wider audience. The UI, content, and ease of navigation should make the app fit for all age groups and literacy types. The language should be easy and multiple vernaculars should be incorporated into the iOS app for better understanding and usability.   

While apps are being made more accessible with 5G support, the gap that’s left could be covered by iOS app features, languages, and UI.   

3. Focus on UI/UX   

Focus on UI/UX

In a world of more than 2 billion iOS apps, it is imperative for businesses to make their iOS app stand out. The UI/UX designs can help businesses do that.   

The User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) of an iOS app should be designed in a way that the final product is intuitive, frictionless, and gives a user an unforgettable visual experience. This would allow users to smoothly navigate through the app and use it for maximum utility.   

In 2024, when the competition in app stores is only increasing, a business should be more mindful of the UI/UX offered to the users. Thus, they need to build an app with features like 3D graphics, AR/VR, personalized recommendations, etc., to provide users with a customized and unique app experience. And a good UI/UX design also improves the accessibility of an iOS app. So, the list of benefits is long.   

Also, read our blog that highlights the importance of a good UX design for iOS app development.   

Platform Trends:  

Platform trends, on the other hand, talk about the advancements in the platform features and functionalities for iOS app development.

1. SwiftUI  


This framework was introduced by Apple in 2019. It is a declarative framework that allows for the creation of user interfaces in iOS apps. It makes it easier for developers to create visually appealing apps with responsive UIs without taking significant time.   

By providing simple and consistent syntax for creating UIs, SwiftUI takes care of most of the layout and presentation of content, eliminating the need for developers to write long codes. Debugging and predicting the layout is also easier with this framework.   

It is an important iOS mobile app development trend as it can be leveraged to create the most advanced and modern iOS apps.    

2. iPadOS 


Apple launched a tailored operating system for its iPad device called the iPadOS. It allows iOS app developers to leverage multiple features and capabilities that are optimized for the screen size of an iPad to build custom iOS apps.   

The latest version of iPadOS offers, inter alia, new security features, support for second-gen HomePod, drag and drop features, split view and slide-over option, and support for emerging technologies like ARKit, Core ML, and Metal.   

The latest version would enhance the developer’s experience working on an iOS app for iPad and user experience in 2024.   

3. Apple Pay  

Apple Pay

This platform allows users to carry out monetary transactions through their Apple devices as a mobile payment as well as a digital wallet solution. Users can pay for goods and services at connected stores, change money with closed ones, and much more.   

Apple Pay offers enhanced security, eliminates the need for physical use of a card avoids identity theft or fraudulent activities, and a smoother and convenient payment experience. Thus, Apple Pay integration in iOS comes with a lot of benefits and security provisions for users in 2024 as the technology grows.    

4. Swift Package Manager  

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Manager is a tool that facilitates dependencies management and makes sharing of code between Swift projects easy. The iOS developers can look for and import packages, manage dependencies, and update and remove packages when required with ease. It enhances collaboration and centralization through codeshare.   

Thus, iOS app developers can use this tool to streamline the iOS mobile app development process and initiate faster release of features and updates in 2024.   

5. Swift 6  

Swift 6

This, as we know is a programming language developed by Apple for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS app development. 

With the new version I.e., Swift 6, new features and upgrades would be introduced that would make the language more user-friendly and productive. This would in turn impact the quality of the iOS apps built using it, making them more polished and modern.   

It would further reduce the Swift app development time in 2024 as iOS developers would be needed to code less, with enhanced security and more efficiency.   

6. Swift Playground  

Swift Playground

With Swift becoming a more sophisticated language in the near future, tools like Swift Playground come in handy for understanding and proficiency. It helps developers learn the basics of the Swift language and iOS mobile app development.  

Using this tool, a developer can experiment with the code and view the outcome in real time. It also allows you to share the code with others for review and functionality observations. Thus, it is something that iOS developers should refer to for better iOS app development.   

7. Dark mode  

Dark mode enables a user not just to darken an app, but also to use the appropriate amounts of light. It is a sustainable way of using energy and enhancing the performance of the device as well as the iOS app.   

It helps with the battery consumption and life of the device, extending it when used appropriately and benefiting users who are traveling most of the time.   

Thus, it is a good idea to build iOS apps that support dark mode in 2024.   


Thus, the latest iOS mobile app development trends and techniques would make the iOS apps certainly more modern, engaging, and profitable. Businesses would be able to engage a wider audience with more ease and efficiency, while iOS developers would be able to streamline the iOS mobile app development process using these trends. This would expand business opportunities as well as the capabilities of developers.   

Users too would benefit from these trends and techniques. They would get a superior experience and would be able to optimize the iOS apps for maximum positive results. Thus, every business should use them to make better and bigger scope iOS apps for their businesses.  

Are these trends and techniques too much to handle for you? Are you worried about where to start and what to use?  

Don’t worry! We are there and happy to help.  

BigOhTech is a leading mobile app development and staff augmentation company. We specialize in iOS mobile app development services and build apps that are robust, secure, and scalable.   

We are familiar with all the emerging technologies like AI/ML, AR/VR, etc., and work out the most suitable ways to integrate them into your iOS apps.   

Our dedicated development team consists of highly skilled developers, UI/UX designers, IT consultants, and QA testers who leave no stone unturned to transform your tech ideas into fully-functioning, reliable, and secure apps with great accessibility.   

So, don’t delay and allow your business to reach new heights with our best-in-class iOS app development services.   

Build modern iOS apps with us today!   


Q1. Why are these trends important for iOS app developers?   

These latest iOS app development trends are important for iOS developers to be aligned with modern times and its ways and to cater to the ever-evolving needs of the audience.   
Developers need to follow these trends, experiment and explore them and build a diverse and impressive portfolio. Moreover, to stay relevant in the tech industry, they constantly need to upskill and upgrade themselves with what’s new in the marketplace.

Q2. What versions of iOS are no longer supported?   

Most of the iOS versions below 14 are not actively supported by Apple devices.   

Q3. What is SwiftUI and why is it a popular trend in iOS development?   

SwiftUI is the declarative framework that facilitates the creation of user interfaces in iOS apps. It allows developers to build ‘treat to the eyes’ iOS apps that have responsive UIs with ease and faster.   

It will allow developers to leverage Apple’s modern technologies to create truly native iOS apps for Apple’s devices in 2024.

Q4. How are augmented reality and virtual reality being used in iOS app development?   

AR/VR technologies are being used to create a more immersive iOS experience for app users across various Apple devices.   

Using these technologies, developers create more engaging and productive iOS apps. Apple has also extended support for AR technology by introducing various tools like ARKit, Reality Kit, and Metal API to encourage iOS developers to use the technology more and more for iOS mobile app development. 

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