mobile app development trends

Applications have become a crucial part of our daily lives, whether we’re playing games on our phones, watching YouTube videos to learn something new, or simply chatting on WhatsApp. says, “Mobile apps are considered to be the heart of digital transformation”.  And, 2024 is the year where you will see companies leveraging mobile app development trends.

Let’s throw some light on the stats mentioned below –  

According to reports, Customers are downloading around 4,35,000 apps per minute. This number demonstrates that users consume too much content through their mobile apps.    

Even the head and vice president of the Google Cloud platform says, “You should always consider digital transformations as a technology project, not a state of perpetual agility. Always be ready to adapt when your customers want next.   

And if you follow this path, you are on the right track.   

As there is an increasing number of mobile app users, so is the case with growing mobile apps. Reports from Statista show that mobile app development leads to a massive growth of 9.27% between 2022-2026.   

As consumers spend a significant proportion of their time on mobile applications businesses need to create a mobile app strategy for this digitized economy, 

This blog is for you if you want to expand your digital presence in a mobile economy.   

In this blog, we will tell you in detail about what exactly mobile app development is and why there is a massive trend in the development of mobile apps, and we will share the top 18 mobile app development trends that you can leverage on the go.     

Bigohtech App Development

What is Mobile App Development?   

You might have heard thousands of times that mobile apps play a significant role in giving you a feeling of relaxation. Not only that, it has a substantial impact on your lifestyle.   

As users are consuming content on their smartphones, your business must develop a mobile application that can grow your business by 5X in 2024.   

Mobile app development is an application that runs on your mobile devices, viz smartphones. Your potential customers can access these mobile applications through a web browser or download them on their mobile phones.   

In a nutshell, mobile app development is an app that solves the challenges of your customers and makes their lives easygoing. Mobile app development provides an interface to connect with end users (customers).  

Why Mobile App Development Is In Trend?

Here are the 3 reasons why Mobile App Development is in trend-

1. Increasing Number of Smartphone Users  

Studies from Statista say that there are around 6567 (million) smartphone users as of today, and this number is expected to grow by 7690  (million) in 2027.   

As you can see from these figures, the number of smartphone users has been increasing year after year, leading to an increase in mobile app downloads.   

2. Usage of Smartphones Has Increased  

It should not come as a shocking fact that people spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week on their smartphones. 

According to Statista, 30% of global users will spend 4-5 hours per day in apps in 2022. It means that mobile users are spending more and more time on their devices, resulting in the widespread use of smartphone apps.  

3. Mobile App Downloads Are Skyrocketing  

According to In Apps, mobile app downloads will increase by 24 billion. It means that mobile app development was there in 2022, but it will skyrocket the mobile app share in 2024.   

Top 18 Mobile App Development Trends of 2024

Here are the 18 Mobile App Development trends in 2024-

1. Emphasis is On User Interface/User Experience   

Do you know why users abandon the majority of mobile apps? This is because these mobile apps cannot add intuitive designs.   

How can you expect your customers to spend their time on your mobile app even if it does not have a good user interface?  

Let’s understand these 2 terminologies first –  

UX – UX stands for User experience. It is about shaping your entire customer journey. UX focuses on improving the experience of end consumers.   

UI– UI stands for User Interface. It includes all the interactions that a customer does. UI is not only about the design and looks of an app. It is also about improving functionality as well.   

For example – Let’s suppose you have an e-commerce app that allows customers to download it easily. Then it means that your app has better UX. If your app has the best color scheme, navigational menus, and other design elements then it has effective UI.  

This trend will skyrocket in 2024 as customers would like to spend their precious hours on apps that are visually attractive and easy to use.   

2. Rise of 5G technology 

With 5G, network speeds are now 15X faster. As 5G offers faster data speed, developers can create complex applications with ease and provide an engaging app experience to users. 

 How will 5G become the hot trend for mobile app developers in 2024?  

  • 5G provides faster performance for mobile apps   
  • It will improve video streaming applications  
  • 5G supports AR/VR devices   
  • It allows developers to create better mobile apps for their customers   

3. Touchless UI  

Touchless UI is no longer a new concept, as many users have been familiar with this technology since the days when biometric verification was used to identify users. 

Gone are the days when users needed to tap the screen to sign in. With Touchless UI, users get the freedom to log in without touching the user interfaces. 

As the demand for smartphones and touchless control increases, so is the growth of the global touchless sensing industry, expected to reach $46.5 billion in 2025.  

This gesture control technology goes beyond validating user identity; it can now be used for controlling music apps and answering phone calls using waves of your hand. 

The future seems even more exciting as developers are experimenting with eye-tracking technology, allowing users to scroll through their feeds using eye movements. 

4. More Players Are Launching Foldable Devices  

Foldable devices are a combination of tablets and smartphones.   

According to Ripen apps, the market for foldable phones will grow by 80%. This number is not enough, but the demand for foldable phones is yet to develop.   

Trying to set up a digital footprint in this digital economy; then start leveraging foldable device technology. Many mobile app development companies leveraging this trend are taking their mobile apps to the next level.   

There are many big players in the tech industry who have introduced foldable devices. Some of them include Samsung, LG, and Huawei. These brands have built foldable displays as well.  

If you look at the Samsung Galaxy X series, you can get a tablet cum smartphone experience. Now, you can understand where the future of mobile app development is heading towards.  

5. Artificial Intelligence is in Boom  

Customer experiences are growing, and mobile app developers must fully use AI and ML elements. Artificial intelligence and machine learning enable brands to communicate with end users in real-time.   

AI/ ML plays a significant role in streamlining the development of mobile apps. Often you will see AI-powered chatbots that have changed the mobile app industry. AI-powered chatbots are simplifying the flow of communication between customers and brands.    

If you are a mobile app development company, you must take advantage of both trends, AI and machine learning. AI improves the user experience. In contrast, ML enables the system to predict accurate responses. 

6. Predictive Analytics  

Predictive analytics has taken the mobile app development domain by storm.  

When we talk about predictive analytics, it means mobile apps can learn about user behavior by analyzing past data and using advanced ML algorithms to predict future events.  

But how do predictive analytics help mobile app developers?  

Imagine a scenario where you want to reduce the churn rate of mobile apps. With the help of predictive analytics, developers can predict the exact factors responsible for increasing churn rates based on the browsing history and purchasing habits of users.  

They can then come up with proactive strategies to increase app engagement, such as sending targeted offers or incentives to users. 

7. Progressive Web Apps   

Progressive web apps are websites that behave like mobile apps.   

The performance of mobile apps is vital for any enterprise, so companies need to leverage this trend. It is about focusing on progressive web apps. Progressive web apps are the ones which have following benefits –  

  • These apps ensure faster loading time   
  • There are no issues related to internet connectivity   
  • These apps do not require any downloading or installation  
  • These apps are easily accessible to customers   

An example of a Progressive web app is Flipkart using a progressive web app called Flipkart Lite.   

8. Enhancing In-Store Sales Using Beacon Technology  

Beacon technology was introduced in 2013, but it is more popular nowadays. What is Beacon technology? Beacon technology uses Bluetooth low-energy signals to transmit data.   

Now, most businesses are turning the data into personalized shopping experiences.  

For example, if you have a beacon device in your store and your customers are near your place, their Bluetooth is also on. The beacon device will send signals to customers or a few notifications informing them about the latest offers you are promoting.   

9. On-Demand Apps  

On-demand apps have been on the rise since the COVID-19 pandemic. These apps allow users to access daily products/services when needed. 

When you think about on-demand apps, you might relate them to your favorite food-ordering apps such as Zomato/Swiggy and Airbnb for accommodation-related services.  

According to Statista, on-demand mobile app revenue has increased, and US consumers are spending nearly $57.6 billion on the on-demand economy.  

Further Harvard Business Review states that the growth of the on-demand economy is becoming larger, attracting 22.4 million consumers to date. 

Hence, On-demand apps experience massive growth because of an increasing number of smartphone users. 

10. Mobile Wallets and Contactless Payments  

Mobile devices are not merely communication tools; they have become a medium for consumers to make online payments.  

With just a few taps, online purchasing has become easier than ever. Mobile wallets prove advantageous for both users and businesses.  

Users can seamlessly make payments on their smartphones without worrying about carrying cash or physical cards. 

A data report from Global Data states that more consumers are inclined towards the adoption of mobile wallets, and the market for mobile wallet payment is expected to reach $120 trillion in 2025.  

People in developed nations, such as the UK, prefer fewer cash transactions and more cashless transactions. So, this becomes an important area that developers need to put emphasis on. 

11. Internet of Things (IoT) is a Modern Trend Nowadays  

IoT, or the Internet of Things, simplifies to day routines of your customers. What exactly is IoT? IoT is a growing network of devices connected to the internet.  

For example – Smart home technology for mobile apps is an excellent example. IoT streamlines how someone can lock or unlock a front door and connect to the security systems.   

As technologies are progressing now and then, IOT has been in huge demand. IoT is the futuristic trend in mobile app development. With IoT, your mobile apps would be more interactive and intuitive.    

Additionally, IoT provides more customization options for customers. IoT makes your mobile apps way too modern with many new features.    

12. Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality (AR/VR)  

AR/VR provides immersive experiences to its customers. AR/VR is one of the latest trends in mobile app development. According to a report from Statista, “Global AR/VR market will reach 250 billion US dollars in 2028.   

AR/VR bridges the gap between physical and virtual worlds.   

AR/VR technology allows the customers to try on clothes, visualize themselves on the beach, paint colors, try furniture, apply makeup, and get hands-on trying eyeglasses.  

Therefore, it is a must for mobile app developers to use this latest technology in 2024 and beyond.     

13. Everything is in the Cloud; Thanks To Cloud Computing  

Cloud technology is still in its early stages as of now. Many mobile app development companies need to leverage cloud computing integration on their mobile apps.   

Cloud computing-powered mobile applications run flawlessly across multiple platforms. 

These applications will not take up your extra space as everything is on the cloud and easily accessible.  

Therefore, mobile app developers need to consider cloud computing technology as this technology will increase your mobile speed and boost effectiveness.   

14. Voice Recognition  

In the world of digitalization, voice recognition technology is becoming mainstream.  

The introduction of Alexa and Siri has revolutionized the way users consume content and can do hands-free navigation and search.  

Voice-powered apps are becoming more popular because 60% of searches on Google are conducted using voice search. 

Users have become accustomed to using voice commands for faster results, whether it’s converting voice into text, setting alarms, playing music, or surfing the internet.  

It becomes important for app developers to leverage voice technology, allowing users to interact with apps hands-free. 

15. Growing Demand For Wearables   

With the increasing demand for 5G connectivity, wearable technology is also increasing. To make the app interactive and user-friendly, developers need to consider this trend when developing mobile apps.   

Wearable technologies were in trend in 2023 but their demand is there to expand significantly in 2024. From smartwatches to trackers and to fitness bands, every wearable requires a specific mobile app.   

Now, we will have a more significant number of wearables in the coming months, allowing users to download tens of thousands of mobile apps just through their wrists.   

16. Mobile Commerce Enhances the Shopping Experience  

Mobile commerce is another latest mobile app development trend, as everyone, from big retailers to small shops, has started relying on mobile applications.   

As more and more customers have started using mobile apps, the mobile shopping experience will continue to rise.   

The majority of customers are making in-app purchases to shop from their smartphones. Now is the right time for businesses like yours to create and leverage mobile app trends.   

17. Extended Reality (ER) is the Future  

Extended reality (ER) provides immersive experiences to users, encompassing technologies such as AR/VR.  

This technology excites users by blending the physical world with the digital world.  

It is present everywhere starting with corporate training workshops, virtual campus tours, enhancing gamers’ experiences, and allowing doctors to practice surgical operations without real patients. 

If you’re thinking of changing the way users interact with mobile apps and gaining a competitive edge, leveraging this technology trend is a BIG YES. 

18. More Emphasis on Mobile App Security  

With an increasing number of cyber-attacks and online scams, mobile app developers need to implement stringent measures to protect the security of mobile apps.  

One effective way to enhance mobile app security is by adding biometrics to smartphones.  

This allows users to easily validate their identity using a fingerprint or face scan, preventing access from third parties. 

Therefore, it becomes crucial for developers to protect user data by implementing code encryption and integrating secure payment gateways.


If you are thinking of making your mobile application stand out from your competitors, then this is high time for you to leverage these trends to deliver reliable and feature-rich apps.   

If you need mobile app development services, then you can connect with us, and we will take your project to the next level helping you to create the best mobile application.   

Also Read: Key Trends In Custom Software Development

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