wearable-app-development-tips-and Tricks

The world is witnessing ongoing technological advancements. Mobile app development companies are creating highly responsive mobile applications. Wearables are becoming increasingly popular because they offer exciting features and convenience to users so mobile app development companies should consider important tips for developing wearable apps.

No matter how good your product is, they will only consider it if it satisfies the user’s intent.

As a business owner, it’s important to keep up with the constantly evolving demands of customers. Failure to do so could result in customers choosing your competitors over you.   

To avoid this, developing wearable apps such as smartwatches, smartphones, fitness trackers, and more is essential to stay top-of-mind with customers.  

In this blog, we’ll explore the industry insights into wearable app development, and tips for wearable app development.

Stay tuned with us till the end… 

Market Stats of Wearable App Development  

Wearable technology is not a new technology in today’s life. It was a long time back when the first smartphone was introduced in 1998. Wearable technology has become a dominant part of our lives, and in the past few years, the demand for wearables has been increasing significantly.

Grandview’s research predicts that the value of the wearable market will reach USD 61.30 billion by 2022, with an expected annual growth rate of 14.6% from 2023 to 2030.

North America Wearable Technology Market
North America Wearable Technology Market

Increasing demand for wearable devices is due to changing preferences of consumers, the increasing popularity of smartwatches, and an increased level of awareness about the potential benefits of wearable devices.  

Global Wearable Technology Market
Global Wearable Technology Market

These devices are driving the industry’s growth because these devices consist of inbuilt sensors which are capable of cholesterol levels, number of calories burnt per day, oxygen level, etc.   

Various companies are investing in wearable technologies that can monitor your health, such as Fossil Group, Samsung, Noise, Fitbit, etc.   

With the advancement in technology, wearables are becoming smart in every way. Now, companies are putting their best foot forward in launching smart clothing. Smart clothing means when tech is embedded in the fabric.   

Today’s consumers are widely adopting smart devices because there has been an increased risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, etc. which results in increasing adoption of wearable devices by consumers.   

 Tips For Wearable App Development   

Tips to Create Wearable App Development
Tips to Create Wearable App Development

1. Craft a Use Case   

Create a set of questions that are relevant from a wearable perspective. It will help you identify various available hardware such as API/SDK, development frameworks, and other mobile app development measures.   

Once you figure it out, you can get clarity about various development frameworks/ platforms.   

2. Choose The Right Platform and API   

Now, you must choose by selecting the right platform to develop an innovative app. You can find various tools and APIs that are available in the market, such as Android, Apple, and Salesforce, but you need to select the suitable device that suits your business requirements.   

No user wants multiple versions for different devices; every user needs a single app that can work perfectly with every device and give prompt responses.   

3. Design and User Interface   

The small size of wearable devices poses various challenges when implementing multiple features. Do you know why users prefer to interact with wearable devices? It’s because of an engaging user interface and wearable app design.   

When developing wearable apps, designers should prioritize providing an engaging and smooth user experience when there is a limited amount of space available.   

4. Data Security   

With the increasing number of wearable devices, security concerns are growing faster. As you already know, wearable devices cannot be connected to the internet.   

Wearable apps require multiple synchronization or third-party functions to connect with mobile apps.    

Therefore, it’s the responsibility of the developer to implement various security measures to protect users’ sensitive data.  

5. Functionality and Features   

Before developing wearable apps, the developer should consider adding features that can add value to the customer’s life.   

Duplicating features from other apps would not suffice the app goal as the prime objective of developing a wearable app is to meet the desired user needs.   

6. Keeping Updated With the Latest Technology   

Various companies are investing in wearable technology. To make your app stand out, you must develop an app as per user needs and preferences and keep the app updated with the latest technologies.   

Additionally, developers should monitor future updates to keep the app updated.   

7. Battery Consumption and Memory Space   

A significant concern for users is that wearable devices consume more battery and power. The developer needs to optimize the code to consume less memory and save your battery so that your app functions effectively.   

8. Testing   

As users want mobility, businesses should ensure that the performance of wearable apps is top-notch. It can be achieved through rigorous testing.   

The wearable devices are already connected to other devices and rely on them, so if the device connected with a wearable stops working, it would frustrate the users with bad quality.   

So, make sure to conduct testing to ensure that it is compatible with various devices.  

Why is BigOhTech The Best Wearable App Development Company?  

BigOhTech, the leading wearable app development company, offers many services in the field of wearable app development. With 20+ wearable app developers, we are here to convert your traditional business apps into wearable ones, helping you flourish.   

Our experienced wearable app developers follow an agile approach in developing wearable apps that increases business visibility by 10x.   

Here are the 4 reasons to choose BigOhTech as the wearable app development company –  

BigOhTech Has a Dedicated Wearable App Development Team   

We have a team of 20+ wearable app developers with expertise in transforming your ideas into fully functional, scalable, secure, and innovative apps.   

Ability to Meet Tight Deadlines   

The wearable app development team at BigOhTech has delivered 50+ wearable projects. Our wearable app developers can deliver quality projects by meeting tight deadlines. Our specialty is delivering projects on time, making us stand out from the crowd.   

Keeping Ourselves Stand Out by Offering Unique and Modern Solutions   

Our wearable app developers are proficient in developing innovative apps using the latest technological developments and always keep ourselves updated with the current trends going on in the industry.   

We strive to make consistent efforts and develop unique, creative ideas for our clients to help them stay ahead.   

Data Security   

As the number of wearable devices is growing exponentially, at the same time, customers are conscious of the security of wearable applications.   

We at BigOhTech guarantee 100% data security of your wearable applications as we adopt the best security practices to keep your wearable devices safe and secure, such as 2-factor authentication and secure cloud access.   

We ensure that your data is encrypted at the front end while keeping the security of sensitive information at the back end.   

End Notes…  

Now, you got an idea from this blog about tips for wearable app development. As consumer preferences are changing rapidly, you must ensure that you are adopting new technologies to take the market’s competitive advantage. Wearable apps offer various benefits and are not confined to tracking and monitoring your physical health.   

You now have a good understanding of the potential of wearable app development in the future. With such a promising future for these apps, it may be worth investing in them.   

However, if you lack the expertise to create unique and innovative wearable apps, there’s no need to worry. We are here to help.   

If you have an app idea, head to the “contact us” section, and our wearable app developers will guide you through bringing your idea to life.


Q1. How should wearable apps be developed?  

Here are the Tips for wearable app development –  
Define your use case. Here, you need to clarify how your wearable app will be used and the potential benefits of the wearable app to the end users. 
Find a reliable vendor if you don’t have in-house developers. You can find a wearable app development company that suits your budget and project needs.   
Select the platform for the wearable app. There are various platforms for wearable application development, such as apple wear, Samsung Gear, Android Wear, Fitbit, etc.   
Create UI/UX for the wearable app. Creating an engaging UI/UX design is important for developing wearable apps as these devices are too small, and the UI design needs to be bigger for the users to navigate the app using their fingertips.
Optimize the code of an app so that wearable apps do not consume much battery.   
Create the security strategy before you start the development process.    
Decide which type of wearable app you want to develop.   
Create a checklist of features you want to add to the wearable app, such as push notifications, voice commands, UI/UX elements, etc. 
Choose the tech stack for wearable app development. For Instance, – Java or Kotlin programming language is used for Android wear.   
Lastly, develop the wearable application, test it, and release it on the app or play store.   

Q3. What are the best wearable app development Platforms?  

Here are the best wearable app development platforms –   
Android wear   
Watch OS

Q2. How do I approach wearable app development?

Firstly, you should start by formulating business goals and objectives, choosing the vendor, and conversing with the vendor. Then the business analyst will provide the technical solution depending on project requirements.   

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