ios and android app design

Did you know the average person touches their phone 2,617 times a day? That’s a lot of interaction, making UI/UX design more crucial than ever!  

That’s why design is the first impression of an app, because of this these two mobile phones clash all over age. 

First, there is iOS by Apple which follows its simple and polished design. On the other side is the Android of Google. The king of open source.  

The two are the dominant players in the mobile scene, but they have a stark difference in terms of design style. 

How huge several people are using those digital platforms!  

So, let’s go, because this is a trip where we will check out the decisions and designs that determine how our mobile devices are used. 

android vs ios market share

Overview of iOS and Android Platforms:


Created by Apple, iOS is known for its slick interface, easy processing, and strict app policies.  

It drives devices such as iPhones, iPads, and iPods Touch, giving users a unified platform defined by the smooth interoperability between hardware and software.  

iOS applications are mostly available in the Apple App Store after a thorough review process to maintain quality and security. 


Originally made by Google Android, it is an open-source platform that is implemented by myriad device manufacturers throughout the world.  

The platform has the advantage of having a wide ecosystem of smartphones, tablets, and wearables that suit diverse styles of users.  

The Android platform’s flexibility and the customization facilities available make it the first choice both for the users and for the developers.  

Other apps can be used on Android devices and those can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, which provides a huge selection of apps under a variety of categories. 

1. Design Principles 

In order to build outstanding mobile app experiences that consider the design principles for every platform, you should know these principles.  

Let’s discover the underlying concepts that form the basis of iOS and Android application design, shedding light on significant features and methods for UI/UX optimization

Design Principles of iOS:  

  • Clean & Consistent:  Lean on minimalist art show – everything is predictable and un-cluttered. 
  • Clarity Rules:  User-friendly text, logical structure, simple navigation and menus. The HIG by Apple is your design bible. 
  • Deference Over Distraction:  Let the content own the space, do not clutter the users with extra elements. 
  • Layered Depth:  Delicate animation and shadows make it three-dimensional and yet, keep it subtle. 
  • Delightful Details:  Witty animations and hidden gems make the game more human. 

Design Principles of Android: 

  • Material Mania: Bold colors, realistic motion, and touchable texture are how the character is built. 
  • Theme It Up: Customize Material Design for your Brand with different colors and styles. 
  • Responsive Touch:  Interactions are natural and intuitive; you feel like you are touching real objects. 
  • Meaningful Motion:  Animations serve as guides and simplify connections between components. 
  • Adapt to Anything:  Apps render well on various screen sizes and devices. 

2. Navigation and Layout 

Navigation and Layout of iOS: 

  • Tab Bar:  It is used widely to go to different areas or functions of the app. Every tab is for a different category of service or operation. 
  • Navigation Bar:  This section is normally situated at the top of the screen, usually displaying the title of the current view along with navigation controls (such as back buttons). 
  • Tab Bar Controller:  The tab bar interface content is managed by this, which allows for quick and easy switching between different views. 
  • Modal Presentation:  It is used to display the temporal or contextual information that is positioned on top of the content, often related to the user’s actions such as tapping on a button. 

Navigation and Layout of Android: 

  • Navigation Drawer:  A slide panel with application navigation options that can appear by a swipe from the side of the screen or by clicking on the menu icon. 
  • Bottom Navigation:  Just as iOS tab bars, it is convenient to access different sections of the app, yet it is at the bottom portion of the screen. 
  • Toolbar:  Usually the headline of the screen, it is comprised of the app title, navigation icons, and semantic actions. 
  • Floating Action Button (FAB):  The main action button, which upon clicking will instantly display the app’s key features for functionality like creating a new message or adding a new item; this button ought to be circled and made conspicuous. 
  • Modal Bottom Sheet:  An overlay that climbs up from the bottom of the screen, showing extra options or activities that are contextual. 

3. Typography and Icons 

Typography and Icons of iOS: 

  • San Francisco Typeface:  The text elements in iOS are in the San Francisco typeface which give clearness and legibility across devices of different screen sizes. 
  • Icon Design Guidelines:  Apple has outlined in detail the design principles that should be followed when creating icons focusing on simplicity, clarity and keeping consistency with the application design. 

Typography and Icons of Android: 

  • Roboto Typeface:  Roboto is the typeface that Android uses, it is created for optimum readability on screens of all sizes and resolutions. 
  • Material Icons: Material Design is followed by Android which offers the same consistent set of adaptable and adjustable icons that can be easily integrated with UI design.

4. Color Schemes and Themes: 

Color Schemes and Themes of iOS: 

  • Use of Vibrant Colors: App design for iOS tends to have bright and vivid colors that are used to create eye-catching interfaces. The bright colors are used as an accent to attract the users and to highlight the important elements. 
Vibrate color theme for ios
  • Light and Dark Mode: iOS supports both light and dark modes, the users can change the mode from light to dark or vice versa based on their convenience.  

The feature contributes to enhancing the experience of users through the provision of an option for better readability and reducing the eye strain that may be caused by varying conditions of lighting. 

dark and light mode for ios

Color Schemes and Themes of Android:  

  • Material Design Color Palette: Android app design follows Material Design’s guidelines, which is a set of colors that are standardized by Google. The bold use of colors and high contrast may be useful to make the interface more visible and readable. 
Material design color palette
  • Dark Theme Support: As in iOS, Android also supports dark themes which allow the users to switch to the darker color scheme, thus providing a much better readability and saving up on batteries, especially on devices with OLED screens. 
Dark Theme Support in android

5. Interaction Patterns: 

Interaction Patterns of iOS: 

  • Gestures:  The user’s experience with iOS applications is familiar with simple gestures like swipe, tap, drag and pinch. Gestures are the core of browsing and interacting with content.  

These gestures really play a great role in making the user experience without any difficulties such as hitches and make the users navigate through the pages by swiping.

app gestures
  • Animations:  Apps for iOS usually use animations like parallax and transitions to enhance their visual superficies and deliver feedback on user actions in a timely way.

This animation creation forms a nice layer of depth and complexity for the overall user interface and thus, increases user convenience as they engage more and immerse more in the system. 

Interaction Patterns of Android:  

  • Touch Feedback:  Feedback by touch is characteristic of Android app usability—e.g. ripple effect which is commonly used.  

This ensures that the app reacts in a more rapid way and thus allows the user to experience the connection with the app by the basic controls. 

  • Floating Action Button (FAB) Behavior:  The Android apps frequently apply a button (FAB) for the main actions such as the messaging of new items and adding them.  

The FAB (Floating Action Button) framework has adopted the Material Design guidelines from Google which ensures that the user has a consistent experience across different Android apps. 

Floating action button

6. Device Fragmentation and Screen Sizes 

There is a vast range of devices and screen sizes one must deal with when developing a website or app. 

iOS Device Fragmentation: 

There is less fragmentation of iOS devices than Android. Apple brings a limited choice of devices in its iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch series.  

This improved device ecosystem improves UI/UX, making it more consistent across devices and consequently easing app design and development. 

  • Limited Number of Devices: Having fewer device varieties, iOS app developers are more concentrated on working on the optimization of the apps for a narrower scope of screen sizes and resolutions. It results in uniform user experiences which in turn makes the process of maintaining easy. 
  • Responsive Layouts: Apps for iOS, for the most part, utilize responsive layouts and accommodate screens of different sizes easily. Skills of Xcode such as Auto Layout and Size Classes allow developers to create dynamic interfaces that flex to fit any device dimensions and orientation. 

Android Device Fragmentation: 

Android device fragmentation is a stacked deck for app designers and developers because of the multitude of devices already in the marketplace under different brands. Android operates on smartphones, tablets, wearables, and many other devices, so the platform has become very diverse and there are many different screen sizes, aspect ratios, and resolutions. 

  • Wide Range of Devices: The open nature of the Android ecosystem has brought several devices with different specs and forms. Thus, the multiple screen sizes and resolutions during the application design and testing are of prior importance to application developers. 
  • Adaptive Layouts: Developers make use of responsive layouts, as well as re-sizable UI components, to simplify the development process on various Android devices. For example, Constraint Layout and Percentage-based layout methods apply to make sure successful UI/UX in different screen sizes and densities are maintained. 

7. Testing and Optimization 

Testing and Optimization of iOS: 

  • Testing on Various iPhone Models: Being the key part of the app testing for iOS, compatibility on different iPhone models is very critical. Analyzing the performance of the applications on various devices helps to detect UI/UX inconsistencies and enables the user to have a uniform experience across different screen sizes and resolutions. 
app testing on various models
  • Usability Testing: Usability testing of a mobile app interface, being a very crucial step is required to understand how the users engage with the app interface. It is built around monitoring the users while they use the app, taking the feedback, and then carrying out the relevant changes to mark positive changes in the user experience. 

Testing and Optimization of Android: 

  • Testing on Different Android Devices: Contrary to that, the Android ecosystem is composed of a wide range of devices with a variety of screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware specifications. Testing the app on different Android devices is important, to make the app run perfectly for different screen resolutions and configurations. 
Testing android app
  • Fragmentation Considerations: Android fragmentation means the diversity of the script information and device versions. Developers must take within-Android fragmentation into account during testing because and are often face compatibility challenges and need to make the app smoothly operated over different versions and devices. 

Future Trends and Considerations in App Design for iOS and Android: 

For the future, app designers and developers need to be aware of the new trends and technologies that will change the design of iOS and Android apps with time. As we are witnessing rapid progress in technologies such as AR, AI, and voice control, there is a great deal of potential for innovation and UI/UX enhancement for mobile apps.  

Furthermore, the app development market is moving towards hybrid and multiplatform development frameworks and tools that will significantly simplify app development and ensure they have similar looks and user experiences on different platforms. 


 In a nutshell, the iOS and Android app design approaches embrace the different UI and UX principles that are peculiar to the UI and UX guideline provisions of the two platforms.  

On the other side, iOS promotes consistency, clarity, and minimalism, while Android brings flexibility, customization, and material design principles. Unveiling these differences is the beginning of the process for the developers and designers to develop interactions that will offer users a tailored to the platforms’ user base a seamless and intuitive experience. 

Here at BigOh Tech, we know iOS and Android app design better than anyone, and our team of pros is dedicated to crafting the engaging, user-centric mobile experiences your application needs.  

With a comprehensive suite of services that cover UI/UX design, prototyping, and development, we make it simple to get the specialized help your project needs. We value creativity, functionality, and satisfaction above all else, and collaborate closely with our clients to bring their app visions to life.  

Trust us — partner with BigOh Tech, and we can take your iOS and Android UI/UX design and deliver the types of mobile experiences that your users will love. 

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